Open Access BASE2018



The paper presents research results on the circumstances of M. Khvylovy's later years and key aspects of his public and political activity at that time based on the comprehensive analysis of sources and state-of-the-art methods of historical research. The dynamics of the relations between M. Khvylovy and the Communist Party of Ukraine and details of the regime gradual assault on the writer have been presented. It is shown that the state and party authorities had been attempting to represent M. Khvylovy as a leader of the Ukrainian ―bourgeois nationalism‖ in order to silence him or even remove him from the public and political landscape of Soviet Ukraine. The steps taken by the writer to avoid accusations against him have been described and analyzed. It is demonstrated that the primary reason of the suicide made was M. Khvylovy's full realization that the regime had made a decision to proceed to excision of his generation writers and public personalities. Denouement of M. Khvylovy's life is considered in the context of epoch of final consolidation of the totalitarian Bolshevist regime and its offensive against independent communist elite of Ukraine, that the writer foresaw in his novels.Key words: Ukrainization, literary associations, repressions, ideology, nationalism, ―khvylovysm‖. ; У статті розглядаються останні роки життя видатного українського п исьменника, публіциста, громадсько-політичного діяча, організатора літературних об'єднань – Миколи Хвильового. Ключові слова: українізація, літературне об'єднання, репресії, ідеологія, націоналізм, «хвильовизм».В статье рассматриваются последние годы жизни выдающегося украинского писателя, публициста, общественно-политического деятеля, организатора литературных объединений – Николая Хвылевого.Ключевые слова: украинизация, литературные объединения, репрессии, идеология, национализм, «хвылевизм».The paper presents research results on the circumstances of M. Khvylovy's later years and key aspects of his public and political activity at that time based on the comprehensive analysis of sources and state-of-the-art methods of historical research. The dynamics of the relations between M. Khvylovy and the Communist Party of Ukraine and details of the regime gradual assault on the writer have been presented. It is shown that the state and party authorities had been attempting to represent M. Khvylovy as a leader of the Ukrainian ―bourgeois nationalism‖ in order to silence him or even remove him from the public and political landscape of Soviet Ukraine. The steps taken by the writer to avoid accusations against him have been described and analyzed. It is demonstrated that the primary reason of the suicide made was M. Khvylovy's full realization that the regime had made a decision to proceed to excision of his generation writers and public personalities. Denouement of M. Khvylovy's life is considered in the context of epoch of final consolidation of the totalitarian Bolshevist regime and its offensive against independent communist elite of Ukraine, that the writer foresaw in his novels.Key words: Ukrainization, literary associations, repressions, ideology, nationalism, ―khvylovysm‖.




History and Geography; Історія та географія



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