Open Access BASE2020



The article conceptualizes the concepts of «national security» and «state security» in the political and legal context. These concepts are quite similar in content. At the same time, the political and legal explication of these categories demonstrates differences in the understanding of their essence and areas of application. The category of national security is broader than the category of state security, which is an important marker of the democracy of a country's political system.It is argued that in the conceptual demarcation of the concepts of «national security» and «state security» the type of political regime in the state becomes important. The more developed a democratic society, the easier it is to identify conceptual differences between the two definitions. Given the dominance of an undemocratic political regime in the state (totalitarianism / authoritarianism), the conceptual features of these concepts «merge», which ultimately leads to their equation.In the liberal-democratic discourse, the key ideologues of which have become the basis of the modern discourse of the rule of law, a clear line is drawn between society and the state. Under the conditions of a developed democracy, the state can safely delegate even the issue of ensuring the security of citizens from the «center» to the «regions».State security is one of the important key components of national security. In a simplified form, it can be noted that the category of «national security» is correlated with all spheres of public life, while the category of state security – with the functioning of state institutions that ensure the implementation of its policies.The issue of state security is characterized by concern for the protection and defense of the state against internal and external threats. The concept of national security, in addition to the outlined issues of the discourse of state security, also covers a range of issues related to the successful existence and development of society, with the protection of its values. We are talking primarily about such values as quality of life, social solidarity, human rights, culture, customs, national identity and so on. The classical definition of state security can be applied to any state, regardless of the political regime inherent in a particular political system. The definition of national security is clearly correlated with democratic political systems, as it covers ensuring the security of civil society structures.Key words: national security, state security, political and legal discourse, political regime, democracy, conceptualization. ; У статті здійснено концептуалізацію понять «національна безпека» та державна безпека» у політико-правовому контексті. Категорія національної безпеки є ширшою, ніж категорія державної безпеки, що є важливим маркером демократичності політичної системи певної держави.Аргументовано, що у концептуальній демаркації понять «національна безпека» та «державна безпека» вагомого значення набуває тип політичного режиму в державі. Чим більш розвинуте демократичне суспільство, тим легше виявити концептуальні відмінності між обома дефініціями. За умов домінування недемократичного політичного режиму у державі (тоталітаризм/авторитаризм) концептуальні ознаки цих понять «зливаються», що врешті призводить до їх ототожнення.Ключові слова: національна безпека, державна безпека, політико-правовий дискурс, політичний режим, демократія, концептуалізація. В статье осуществлена концептуализация понятий «национальная безопасность» и «государственная безопасность» в политико-правовом контексте. Категория национальной безопасности шире, чем категория государственной безопасности, что является важным маркером демократичности политической системы конкретного государства.Аргументировано, что в концептуальной демаркации понятий «национальная безопасность» и «государственная безопасность» большое значение приобретает тип политического режима в государстве. Чем более развито демократическое общество, тем легче выявить концептуальные различия между обеими дефинициями. В условиях доминирования недемократического политического режима в государстве (тоталитаризм/авторитаризм) концептуальные признаки этих понятий «сливаются», что в конечном итоге приводит к их отождествлению.Ключевые слова: национальная безопасность, государственная безопасность, политико-правовой дискурс, политический режим, демократия, концептуализация. The article conceptualizes the concepts of «national security» and «state security» in the political and legal context. These concepts are quite similar in content. At the same time, the political and legal explication of these categories demonstrates differences in the understanding of their essence and areas of application. The category of national security is broader than the category of state security, which is an important marker of the democracy of a country's political system.It is argued that in the conceptual demarcation of the concepts of «national security» and «state security» the type of political regime in the state becomes important. The more developed a democratic society, the easier it is to identify conceptual differences between the two definitions. Given the dominance of an undemocratic political regime in the state (totalitarianism / authoritarianism), the conceptual features of these concepts «merge», which ultimately leads to their equation.In the liberal-democratic discourse, the key ideologues of which have become the basis of the modern discourse of the rule of law, a clear line is drawn between society and the state. Under the conditions of a developed democracy, the state can safely delegate even the issue of ensuring the security of citizens from the «center» to the «regions».State security is one of the important key components of national security. In a simplified form, it can be noted that the category of «national security» is correlated with all spheres of public life, while the category of state security – with the functioning of state institutions that ensure the implementation of its policies.The issue of state security is characterized by concern for the protection and defense of the state against internal and external threats. The concept of national security, in addition to the outlined issues of the discourse of state security, also covers a range of issues related to the successful existence and development of society, with the protection of its values. We are talking primarily about such values as quality of life, social solidarity, human rights, culture, customs, national identity and so on. The classical definition of state security can be applied to any state, regardless of the political regime inherent in a particular political system. The definition of national security is clearly correlated with democratic political systems, as it covers ensuring the security of civil society structures.Key words: national security, state security, political and legal discourse, political regime, democracy, conceptualization.




Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди



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