Open Access BASE2009

THE STRUCTURE OF CONSPIRATORIAL BELIEFS IN CROATIA ; Struktura konspirativnoga mišljenja u Hrvatskoj


According to results of a survey in 2007, this study analyses conspiratorial beliefs in Croatia and their correlates. Conspiratorial beliefs consist of politically controversial events and processes in recent Croatian history. Factorial analysis has revealed two factors: Government conspiracies during the 90's and Conspiracies of internal and external enemies. Based on the ideas of Sloterdijk and Žižek, we can name these Factors – Kynical and Cynical conspiracy theories. The first ones are a cheeky and bold exposure of cynicism of the power elite: secret meetings with the enemy and trade in territory during the war, political crimes, corruption, etc. The second ones are the back side of the public façade, obscene reactions to 'thefts of enjoyment' in the National Thing. Further analysis has revealed strong differences in beliefs in conspiracies between citizens of different ideological affiliation and different political legacy, and between voters of two main political parties, HDZ and SDP.* ; Sukladno rezultatima anketnog istraživanja iz 2007. godine, ova studija analizira konspirativno mišljenje u Hrvatskoj i njegove korelate. Konspirativno mišljenje odnosi se na politički kontroverzne događaje i procese iz nedavne hrvatske povijesti. Provedena faktorska analiza pokazala je postojanje dvaju faktora. Jedan se odnosi na zavjere vlasti u 90-ima, a drugi na zavjere unutarnjih i vanjskih neprijatelja. Na temelju Sloterdijkovih i Žižekovih razmatranja o cinizmu, ova dva faktora možemo nazvati kiničnim i ciničnim teorijama zavjera. Prvi je tip teorija zavjera drsko i odvažno raskrinkavanje cinizma elita moći – njihovih tajnih sastanaka s neprijateljem tijekom rata, političkog kriminala, korupcije itd. Drugi je tip naličje "javne fasade", opscene reakcije na "kradljivce užitka" nacionalne Stvari, u koje takva ideologija ubraja civilno društvo, oporbu, EU, MMF, Velike sile itd

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