Open Access BASE2016



Suvremeni gospodarski razvitak podrazumijeva posebnu pozornost na promicanje poduzetništva i osiguravanje snažnih potpora u skladu s potrebama malih i srednjih poduzeća. U Europskoj uniji sektor mikro, malih i srednjih poduzeća čini 98 % ukupnog broja poduzeća te predstavlja ključni generator novog zapošljavanja, gospodarskog rasta, inovacija i socijalne integracije. Stoga je Europska unija kreirala niz strateških dokumenata i instrumenata kojima se pojednostavljuje administrativni i regulatorni okvir osnivanja i poslovanja navedenih poduzeća, podupire njihov razvitak te osiguravaju neophodni izvori financiranja. Podaci EU-a ukazuju kako su upravo nedostatak financiranja i složeni administrativni postupci najveće prepreke novom poduzetništvu u Europi. S jedne strane, Europska unija podupire poduzetnike različitim programmeima u okviru kojih se financiranje osigurava u suradnji s lokalnim financijskim institucijama koje ulažu dodatna (vlastita) financijska sredstva te tako uvećavaju ukupno raspoložive iznose potpora. S druge pak strane, potpore se osiguravaju i iz proračunskih sredstava EU-a koja se preraspoređuju svakoj državi članici višegodišnjim financijskim okvirom, pomoću kojeg se ostvaruju zajednički strateški ciljevi na europskoj razini. Stoga je osnovni cilj rada dati prikaz temeljnog okvira i mogućnosti financiranja poduzetničke djelatnosti u Europskoj uniji, s posebnim osvrtom na izvore financiranja iz EU fondova koji su dostupni poduzetnicima u Republici Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2014. do 2020. godine. Analiza i pregled raspoloživih sredstava iz europskih fondova ukazat će na značajne iznose financiranja namijenjene poticanju poduzetništva, stvaranju novih radnih mjesta, razvoju poslovne konkurentnosti i ekonomskom rastu. ; Modern economic development implies special attention to promoting entrepreneurship and providing strong support according to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. In the European Union, the sector of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises makes 98% of the total number of enterprises and it represents a key generator of new employment, economic growth, innovation and social integration. Therefore, the European Union has created a number of strategic documents and instruments that simplify the administrative and regulatory framework for the establishment and operations of these enterprises, supports their development and provides the necessary sources of financing. The EU data show that the deficit of financing and complex administrative procedures are the biggest obstacles for new entrepreneurship in Europe. On the one hand, the European Union supports entrepreneurs through various programmes within which funding is provided in cooperation with local financial institutions that invest additional (private) financial resources and thus increase the total available amount of support. On the other hand, support is provided from the EU funds that are allocated to each member state through the multiannual financial framework by which common strategic goals are to be attained at the European level. Therefore, the main objective of the paper is to present basic framework and the possibilities of financing entrepreneurship activities in the European Union, with special attention given to financing sources from EU funds that are available to entrepreneurs in Republic of Croatia in the period from 2014 to 2020. Analysis and review of the available financing from the EU funds will indicate significant amounts of funding intended for supporting the entrepreneurship, creating new jobs, developing business competitiveness and economic growth.


Kroatisch, Englisch


University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Manage¬ment Nikola Subic Zrinski

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