Open Access BASE2016

Istraživanje učinaka promjena kod mladih u kontekstu neformalnog obrazovanja ; Researching the effects of changes occurring with youth in the context of non-formal education


Hrvatsko civilno društvo dugi je niz godina polako, ali sigurno, napredovalo u svojoj viziji i cilju. Ulaskom Hrvatske u Europsku Uniju, akterima civilnog društva otvorile su se nove mogućnosti, kako financiranja, tako i realizacije cijelog niza projekata. Osim toga, novootvorenim mogućnostima financiranja različitih projekata i pridavanjem sve većeg značaja priznavanju vještina i znanja stečenih neformalnim učenjem (Crnčić Sokol i Kostanjčar Suljada, 2009, 95), otvara se put za primjenu sociološke perspektive, teorije i metodologije na novo područje validacije i evaluacije vještina i znanja stečenih neformalnim te informalnim obrazovanjem. Ovaj se rad, stoga, usmjerava na razmatranje implikacija razvoja projekata neformalnog obrazovanja čiji su nositelji upravo udruge civilnog društva. Probleme formalnog priznavanja vještina i znanja stečenih neformalnim kanalima obrazovanja stavlja u prvi plan. U fokusu se rada nalazi metodološki problem mjerenja učinka projekata neformalnog obrazovanja na sudionike. Koristeći se kvantitativnom metodologijom (te strukturiranim upitnikom kao mjernim instrumentom) istraživanje je dizajnirano kao kvazi-eksperimentalno istraživanje. Glavnu istraživačku strategiju predstavlja akcijsko evaluacijska ideja s ciljem mjerenja i jasnog evaluiranja promjena koje su se dogodile kod sudionika projekta BeAlive 2014 u odnosu na specifične ciljeve samog projekta, što rezultira otvaranjem metodološke rasprave o načinima evaluacije, validacije i mjerenja promjena te učinaka projekata neformalnog obrazovanja. ; Croatian civil society has for many years, slowly but surely, advanced in its vision and purpose. Due to the Croatian accession to the European Union, the civil society has acquired new possibilities for funding and implementation of a wide range of projects. In addition to these, the increasing importance of recognizing the skills and knowledge gained informally (Crnčić Sokol and Kostanjčar Suljada, 2009, 95), opened the way for the application of sociological perspectives, theories and methodology to a new research area; the validation and evaluation of the skills and knowledge gained through non-formal and informal education. This paper, therefore, focuses on the implications of the development of non-formal education projects within civil society. The paper firstly addresses the problems with formal recognition of the skills and knowledge acquired through alternative channels of education. The focus of the work is the methodological problem of measuring the impact of non-formal education projects and programs on the participants/users. Using quantitative methodology (and structured questionnaire as a measuring instrument), the research was designed as a quasi experimental study. Action-evaluation design represented the main research strategy with the idea of assessing and clearly evaluating changes that the BeAlive 2014 project participants experienced, in relation to the specific project objectives and goals. This resulted in opening a methodological discussion on the ways to evaluate, validate and measure the changes and effects of non-formal education projects.


Kroatisch, Englisch


Faculty of Social sciences and Humanities Split

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