Open Access BASE2019

Stavovi učitelja i nastavnika Ličko-senjske županije prema inkluziji ; Teachers from Lika and Senj County Attitudes towards Working with Pupils with Special Needs


Provedba inkluzivnog odgoja i obrazovanja mora biti opća politika i praksa, a kako bi se unaprijedila u određenoj mikro regiji bilo je potrebno istražiti stavove učitelja i nastavnika Ličko-senjske županije o dosadašnjem iskustvu, oblicima i načinima rada sa učenicima s posebnim potrebama. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da učitelji osnovnih škola ove županije imaju umjerene do krajnje pozitivne stavove o provedbi inkluzije, dok srednjoškolski nastavnici pokazuju veće nezadovoljstvo procjenom inkluzivne prakse u svojim školama. Inkluzivna praksa u školama u ovoj županiji je općenito vrlo dobra. Međutim, rezultati pokazuju nedostatno formalno obrazovanje učitelja i nastavnika u sadržajima vezanim za poučavanje učenika različitih sposobnosti, što nastoje nadoknaditi različitim stručnim usavršavanjima. Većina ispitanih učitelja i nastavnika ima potporu u radu s ovim učenicima te dobru suradnju sa stručno-razvojnom službom škole. Darovite i talentirane učenike usmjeravaju na dodatne izvanškolske i izvannastavne aktivnosti, kao i na posebne oblike školovanja. Učitelji i nastavnici s manje formalnog obrazovanja za rad sa učenicima s posebnim potrebama usmjereniji su na metodičko-didaktičke aspekte rada s njima. ; All-inclusive education should be deeply rooted into the policy and practice of the educational system. In order to develop it further in certain micro regions it was necessary to research teachers from Lika and Senj County attitudes towards previous experiences, forms and manners of teaching practice with pupils with special needs. Main results of this research show that primary school teachers in this County have moderate to very positive attitudes on the implementation of inclusion; while secondary school teachers show higher degree of dissatisfaction when evaluating implementation of inclusion practice in their schools. The results indicate overall very good inclusive practice in this County. On the other hand, the results indicate insufficient formal teacher training in ways of teaching pupils with different abilities, which teachers try to compensate with various additional professional training. Most teachers in this County have support regarding special needs pupils, as well as good cooperation with the professional development team in the school. Gifted pupils are streamlined to take up additional activities and special forms of education by teachers. Teachers who have less professional training in working with these pupils tend to be more inclined toward methodically didactic teaching approach.

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