Open Access BASE2019

Brexit i "novi" transatlantski odnosi: moguće refleksije na Zajedničku sigurnosnu i obrambenu politiku Europske unije ; BREXIT and "new" transatlantic relations: potential reflections on the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union


U radu se analizira nastanak i razvoj Zajedničke sigurnosne i obrambene politike EU i uloga ključnih zemalja (osovine Berlin-Pariz-London) u tom procesu. Cilj rada je detektirati unutarnje i vanjske prepreke i izazove na putu integracije ove politike s posebnim fokusom na Brexit i "nove" transatlantske odnose. U tom smislu nastoje se istražiti moguće refleksije izlaska Ujedinjenog kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske kao vojno najsnažnije europske zemlje iz Europske unije na budući razvoj i integraciju Zajedničke sigurnosne i obrambene politike EU i "novo" transatlantsko partnerstvo koje je počelo izborom Donalda Trumpa za predsjednika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Autori smatraju da je zbog ova dva izazova buduća integracija Zajedničke sigurnosne i obrambene politike u limbu i da će francusko-njemačko partnerstvo i odnosi sa zemljama "nove Europe" biti od presudnog značaja u novom strateškom pozicioniranju ove politike i eliminiranju negativnih implikacija prethodno spomenutih izazova. ; This article analyses emergence and development of the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union and the role of key countries (Berlin-Paris-London axis) in that process. The aim of the paper is to detect the internal and external obstacles and challenges to the integration of this policy with specific focus on the Brexit and "new" transatlantic relations. In this regard, the authors aim to explore how withdrawal of the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as Europe`s strongest military country, from the European Union will reflect on the future development and integration of the Common Security and Defence Policy of European Union and "new" transatlantic partnership that had begun by Donald Trump`s election for the president of the United States of America. Authors hold that these two challenges set the future integration of the Common Security and Defence Policy into the limbo and further consider that French-German partnership and relationships with the countries of the "New Europe" will be crucial to the new strategic positioning of this policy and in eliminating negative implications of the aforementioned challenges.

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