Open Access BASE2020

Transhumanizam – filozofska osnova ; Transhumanism – Philosophical Foundations


Članak donosi pregled najosnovnijih postavki transhumanističkog pokreta. Transhumanistički pokret počinje krajem 20. stoljeća i zalaže se za korištenje tehnologije u svrhu unapređivanja ljudskog stanja. S obzirom na izvjesnu razinu sličnosti s posthumanizmom, pregled transhumanizma počinje analizom osnovnih pojmova: transhumanizam, posthumanizam, transhumano biće i posthumano biće. Nakon toga, transhumanizam se proučava iz perspektive različitih disciplina. Te su discipline: filozofija znanosti, metafizika, etika, filozofija uma, filozofija religije i filozofija politike. ; This paper features an overview of the foundations of transhumanism. The transhumanist movement has existed since the end of the 20th century and espouses the use of technology for enhancing the human condition. Due to a certain level of similarity to posthumanism, this overview of transhumanism begins with an analysis of basic terminology: transhumanism, posthumanism, the transhuman being and the posthuman being. After that, transhumanism is studied from the perspectives of different disciplines. These disciplines are: philosophy of science, metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion and political philosophy.

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