Open Access BASE2020

Javne skulpture i spomenici Gospića od 1990. do danas - interpretacija i valorizacija ; Public Sculpture and Monuments of Gospić from 1990 until Today


U nastojanju da se obuhvate i valoriziraju skulpture i spomenička plastika na javnim prostorima naselja Gospić ovaj rad vremenski obuhvaća razdoblje od 1990. godine do danas.1 Kako grad Gospić u svojem sastavu ima 50 naselja, rad se bavi samo spomen-obilježjima i skulpturama naselja Gospić čija je najveća koncentracija, između ostalih, baš u najužem središtu grada – Trgu Alojzija Stepinca i parku Kolakovac. Unatoč tematski i tipološki različitim kiparskim radovima, njihovo umetanje u tkivo grada na svoj je način vezano za gospićki suvremeni život, njegovo društvo i politiku. Indikativan je utjecaj Domovinskog rata i drugih političkih, kao i društvenih okolnosti na podizanje, ali i uklanjanje skulptura i javnih spomenika na samom prijelazu iz 20. u 21. stoljeće. Kritički se promatra postavljanje recentnih umjetnički izvedenih spomen-obilježja u Gospiću, kao i analizira spomenički inventar iz spomenutog razdoblja. Nakon 2010. godine u gospićkom javnom prostoru javljaju se, uz mnogobrojna poprsja, i konceptualne skulpture, a rad se bavi i projektom povratka i postavljanja spomenika Nikoli Tesli kipara Frana Kršinića. ; In an effort to include and valorize sculptures and monuments in the public spaces of Gospić, this paper covers the period from 1990 to the present.49 As the city of Gospić consists of 50 settlements, the paper deals only with memorials and sculptures at Gospić, with their greatest concentration, among others, in the very center of the town – Alojzije Stepinac Square and Kolakovac Park. Despite thematically and typologically different sculptural works, their placement into the urban tissue is in a specific way related to the contemporary life of Gospić, as well as its society and politics. The influence of the Homeland War and other political, as well as social circumstances on the construction and removal of sculptures and public monuments at the very transition from the 20th to the 21st century is quite indicative. The work also critically observes the installation of recent artistically executed memorials in Gospić and analyses the monument inventory from previous years. It also deals with conceptual sculptures which appeared in the public space of Gospić along with numerous busts after 2010, and finally, with the project of returning and re-erecting of the monument to Nikola Tesla by sculptor Fran Kršinić.

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