Open Access BASE2016

Odjek promjene na Habsburškom prijestolju 1916. u hrvatskom i katoličkom bosanskohercegovačkom tisku. Prigodom 100. obljetnice smrti cara i kralja Franje Josipa I. i stupanja na prijestolje Karla I. (IV.) ; The Echo of change on the Habsburg throne in 1916, in Croat and catholic media in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of emperor Francis Jospeh I and the accession of Karl I (and IV) to the throne


Prije početka I. svjetskog rata u Bosni i Hercegovini izlazilo je 27 listova što vjerskog, što političkog, što prosvjetno-kulturnog karaktera. Osim 3 sarajevska dnevnika povezana s interesima austrougarske administracije, svi ostali bili su listovi pojedinih nacionalnih, odnosno vjerskih zajednica. Početkom I. svjetskog rata prestali su izlaziti srpsko-pravoslavni i muslimanski listovi dok su hrvatsko-katolički uglavnom nastavili izlaženje. Smrt cara i kralja Franje Josipa I. i stupanje na prijestolje Karla I. bio je glavni politički i društveni događaj 1916. godine te je kao takav i popraćen u ondašnjem hrvatsko-katoličkom tisku. Svi listovi, bilo ih je krajem 1916. godine 6, posvetili su dio prostora ovom događaju. Smrt cara i kralja Franje Josipa I. opisana je kao veliki gubitak za ovdašnje Hrvate katolike jer je pokojni vladar bio njihov zaštitnik, osloboditelj i onaj koji im je omogućio normalan život i razvoj. U njemu su gledali svojega hrvatskog kralja i kralja katolika. Novome kralju izražena je vjernost kao zakonitom nasljedniku ali i zbog zahvalnosti habsburškoj kruni za učinjeno u prošlosti. ; Before the First World War, 27 newspapers of a religious, political, educational and cultural character were edited and published in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Apart from three newspapers, published in Sarajevo, that specialized in Austro-Hungarian interests, all the other papers catered to individual national and religious communities. At the beginning of the First World War the Orthodox-Serb and Muslim newspapers stopped publication, while Croat-Catholic newspapers for the most part continued to publish. The death of Emperor Francis Joseph I and the accession to the throne of Karl I, was the main political and social event covered at the end of 1916, and as such was followed by CroatCatholic newspapers of the period. The death of Emperor Francis Joseph was viewed as a great loss for Croats and Catholics of the time, since the late ruler was seen as their protector and liberator, who had enabled normal life and development for them. They considered him as their Catholic and Croat king. Loyalty to the new emperor was renewed, as the legal successor and in gratitude to the Habsburg crown for what it had done in the past.

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