Open Access BASE2021



Ovaj rad bavi se ostvarivanjem neovisnosti Kosova i Abhazije te uspoređuje ta dva slučaja ističući ključne prednosti i nedostatke borbe za neovisnost i međunarodno priznanje Kosova i Abhazije. Većina današnjih država stvorena je u posljednjih stotinjak godina kao rezultat procesa dekolonizacije i raspada multietničkih država. Velike svjetske sile, ponajprije SAD i Rusija, u slomu jednih i stvaranju novih država vide svoju šansu za širenje utjecaja i jačanje moći držeći se maksime, koja se pripisuje Machiavelliju, da cilj opravdava sredstvo, dok se međunarodno pravo vješto zaobilazi, a politički saveznici samo slijede politike koje diktiraju ti centri moći. Rad donosi kratak povijesni pregled izgradnje kosovske i abhaske države i analizira momente koji su ključni za njihov status danas. ; This paper deals with the issue of achieving the independence of Kosovo and Abkhazia, and compares their cases, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages that are crucial in achieving independence and establishing sovereignty over their territory, as well as gaining international subjectivity. Through the 20th and at the very beginning of the 21st century, most of the states known today were created. Most of them were created by the process of decolonization, but there are also those states that fought for independence by separating from multinational state communities, which ceased to exist after the mentioned secession. This left many questions open. Some of their successors were immediately guaranteed independence, while others had to fight both with arms and through diplomatic channels to reach the desired status of an independent state. The great world powers, in this case primarily the US and Russia, saw in these state breakdowns and the creation of new ones their chance to expand their influence and increase their own power in a historical period that we can freely call the Second Cold War, if the first ceased at all. These great powers, according to the famous Italian Niccolo Machiavelli and the proposition that the ...

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