Open Access BASE2022

Genealogy and Reform of Islamic Family Law: Study of Islamic Marriage Law Products in Malaysia


As an Islamic country, Islamic family law reform in Malaysia is experiencing various dynamics. This article aims to examine the genealogy, reform, and products of Islamic family law in the field of marriage (munakahat) in Malaysia. The authors find that Malaysia's Islamic law reform is divided into three periods using literature research. In the Malay period, Islamic values were generally embedded in the law in Malaysia. During the British colonial period, English law had dominated and was used as common law, which was absorbed in various legislation and jurisprudence in Malaysia. It was only after independence that efforts to reform and codify Islamic family law began, marked by the stipulation of the jurisdiction of the federal territorial government and the territorial government into thirteen states. The codification of family law began with establishing a committee to amend Islamic law and be guided by other Islamic countries. The authors find four areas of marriage that have been reformed in Malaysia, namely the age limit for marriage, marriage registration, polygamy, and divorce. Among the four areas of marriage law, the authors find slight differences in regulations on the technical and material grounds in each state in Malaysia. ; Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji produk hukum keluarga Islam bidang Munakahat di Malaysia. Diantaranya terkait sejarah dan perkembangan hukum keluarga Malaysia serta hasil reformasi hukum keluarga bidang Munakahat melalui studi kepustakaan. Pembaharuan hukum Islam salah satunya di bidang Munakahat di Malaysia yang berlaku dibagi menjadi tiga fase: Melayu, Inggris dan masa kemerdekaan. Penerapan hukum Islam di fase akhir, yaitu fase kemerdekaan, dengan jelas konstitusi teritorial federal menetapkan yurisdiksi pemerintah teritorial federal dan pemerintah teritorial di 13 negara bagian lainnya. Adapun diantara produk pembaharuan hukum bidang Munakahat di Malaysia yaitu: batas usia perkawinan, pendaftaran pernikahan, poligami, dan perceraian. Kata kunci: Munakahat, hukum Islam, Malaysia.




Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak



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