Open Access BASE2012

Determination of the Ecological-Economic Degree of Development in Countries of SE Europe – Weight Coefficients Technique


The practice has indicated that there is a particularly sensitive relationship that exists between ecological and economic subsystem of sustainable development. Therefore this research suggests to compare the states of these two subsystems as a new conceptual frame which is essential for strategic conceptualization of development of countries, by the use of weight (importance) coefficients method. The research pointed out at a rather visible gap between the achieved degree of economic and ecological development in the countries of South Eastern Europe in respect to Germany and France – which were taken into consideration as two of the most developed countries in the European Union and in the entire world. The usage of statistic method of weight (importance) coefficients requires assigning a certain degree (of individual value) to each and every indicator. In order to have a better overview and to get more precise results the weight coefficients in range from 0 to 100 were used. The results obtained by using the scale with lower values showed less qualitative final outcome. Used statistical technique for indicated research has shown excellent results and requires additional improvements.




Politechnika Lubelska

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