Open Access BASE2003

Ekonomski i tržišni instrumenti u politici održivog razvoja EU


In the paper one elaborates the role of economic instruments in the politics of environmental protection and sustainable development. Key elements are pointed out as well as the frameworks for two basic approaches to the uses of economic instruments: commanding - controlled approach (CAC) and market -based instruments (MBI) -an approach based on market mechanisms. The existing economic instruments in the politics of environmental protection and sustainable development are analyzed in the counties of EC, OECD and in the countries in transition. The review is given of the experiences in the implementation of economic instruments in the countries of EC, OECD and in the countries in transition. ; U članku je obrađena uloga ekonomskih instrumenata u politici zaštite životne sredine i održivi razvoj. Ključni elementi istaknuti su kao okviri za dva osnovna pristupa korisnicima ekonomskih instrumenata: upravljački - kontrolisani pristup (CAC) i instrumenti bazirani na tržištu (MBI) - pristup baziran na tržišnim mehanizmima. Postojeći ekonomski instrumenti u politici zaštite životne sredine i održivi razvoj analiziraju se u zemljama EU, OECD-a i zemljama u tranziciji. Dat je pregled iskustava u vođenju ekonomskih instrumenata u zemljama EU, OECD-a i zemljama u tranziciji.

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