Open Access BASE2020

Teaching Crossroads: 15th and 16th IPB Erasmus Weeks


Education has undergone many changes and adaptations due to the uncanny times we live in caused by the pandemic that spread to the world in the first months of 2020. Speaking and writing about the effects of Covid-19 in all areas of life has become a common practice if one thinks of the numerous reports and news put forth by the media about the impact of the virus on people, on the economy, on work and school. No one knows for sure the consequences of Coronavirus. We can only focus and reflect on its short-term effects. Apart from realising that Covid-19 has taken its toll on people, it has forced us to readjust our lives in an unforeseeable way. Working and studying from home became a common practice of life put on hold. Lockdowns, enforced differently by the governments, have tried to bring the pandemic under control to drop transmission rates. In addition, they have dictated (the temporary) course of education and business. Online classes, online meetings, via Zoom or the Microsoft platform Teams, for instance, have given way to a virtual environment to which schools and universities had to adhere. To avoid letting ourselves to be under the sway of Covid-19, we have to carry on with our so-called normal lives, under all accepted constraints, and try to deal with this new situation the best we can. That means that one has to continue teaching, learning and doing research in the search for knowledge, new challenges to unravel less explored fields, and, ultimately, to find a balance between life and work. Starting this preface with the mention of the pandemic was neither innocent nor purposeless. As teachers and researchers, we felt we had to convey a message to all the people involved in the field of education and research. We must resolutely not fear the virus and fight it by doing what we know best. Despite the need to abide by safety rules, we have to continue working. Regarding education, we can already draw some conclusions about the effects of the pandemic throughout these last ten months. Schools and universities have made all the efforts to overcome the constraints caused by Covid-19, facilitating the work of teachers/lecturers, educators, and researchers by fostering collaborative work and technology-enhanced learning. If, on the one hand, many complained about a myriad of negative aspects, namely the reduction of class interaction, technological devices and network problems, on the other, some bravely embraced the idea of going online, despite all the obstacles they would encounter. Overall, everyone adapted and continued working, upholding their beliefs in democratic education. Conferences have also been postponed, cancelled, or transferred to an online context. The Erasmus Week, which was to be held at the IPB in May this year, was regretfully cancelled. Teaching Crossroads was not put off by the virus. It hasn't stopped the publication process since May last year. As such, we are pleased to have this year's edition ready, comprising some of the works presented during the 15th and 16th IPB Erasmus Weeks. Finally, we would like to thank the authors who kindly sent us their works to be published, undergoing a thorough review process. Consequently, our last word of appraisal goes to the reviewers who helped us to keep the quality level we aim to maintain. We do hope that both students and teachers enjoy reading the texts published in this number, in the sense they find common teaching intersections that will benefit them throughout the teaching-learning process. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion

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