Open Access BASE2018

Türkiye'de 2002 Sonrası Sermaye ve İktidar İlişkisi ; 2002 After Capital and Government Relations in Turkey


Danışman: Alihan Limoncuoğlu ; İşadamı derneklerinden, siyasal otoritede belirleyici rol oynadığını belirtmek gerekir. Bunun en önemli nedeni işadamlarının siyasi iktidar ile olan ilişkilerinde işadamı ve siyaset ilişkisinin çoğunlukla belirleyici olmuştur. Her ne denli, işadamları üzerinde siyasi iktidarın yönlendirici ve belirleyici rolüne dikkate alınsa da MÜSİAD ve TÜSİAD örneklerinde görüldüğü gibi işadamı derneklerinin kimliklerinin, siyasal yönelimlerinden ayrı bir şekilde belirleyici olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada TÜSİAD ve MÜSAİD ilişkisi ele alınmıştır ; It is important to note that business associations play a decisive role in political authority. The most important reason for this wasthe determinants of business men and political affiliations in the political power of the businessmen and their relations. Whilst the political power on businessmen is abletotake a directand decisive role, the identities of businessman associations, as seen in the examples of MUSIAD and TÜSİAD aredecisive apart from their political orientations. MUSIAD, from the time of its establishment, sees that it choose stoact in accordance with its relations with the governments. Sometimes it is not very successful. Altered with his government, the activities and discourses of the association have changed. When it was established, the statebe came a passive position in front of bureaucratic and politicalunits. It should be noted that it took place together with the AK Party government. It goes beyond just being an institution that is influenced by developments; social and political life as an actor who affects himself. Inshort, MUSIAD has been an importantact or in the politics of the government, influenced by the government. TÜSİAD and MUSIAD government policies were discussed.




İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

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