Open Access BASE2020

Law Enforcement Agencies in the System of Entities of Protection and Defense of Human Rights


The purpose of this article is to define the role of law enforcement agencies in the system of protection of human rights and freedoms. The legal relations that arise during the activities of law enforcement agencies regarding the protection of human rights and freedoms were the subject of the study. Such methods of scientific cognition as dialectical, logical-semantical, formal-legal and analytical were used during the writing of the article. Through a series of research analyzes and comparisons, the definition of "law enforcement agencies" was provided. During the writing of this scientific work, the level of impact of effectively functioning law enforcement agencies on the entire system of protection of fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms was traced. It is stated that due to the multisectoral nature of activity of law enforcement agencies, their extensive system, etc., it is impossible to group them in one legislative act. The root cause for this is that all law enforcement agencies have different functions, different tasks, they do not have the same powers, and so on. It is emphasized that, regardless of the state in which they are located, law enforcement agencies (and especially their activities to ensure inalienable protected rights) will always be a model for a society as a whole. Hence the foundation of the widespread scientific thesis that the quality of law enforcement work in the field of protection and observance of constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals is a direct reflection of the level of success and competence of all actors in society.




Amazonia Investiga



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