Open Access BASE2022

Multifaceted approach to legislative regulation for using dna analysis in criminal proceedings of Ukraine


The purpose of this article is to develop propositions for improving legal regulation of the use of DNA analysis in criminal proceedings of Ukraine. System-structural, comparative-legal and formal-logical methods of research, analysis of theory and practice are used. The article proposes to apply an integrated approach to the development and introduction of the field-oriented legislation after public discussion on the problems of protecting genetic data in law enforcement practice based on European standards. It is already necessary to separate the concepts of biological material and genomic information in the current legislation of Ukraine, to establish the terms of their storage and the rules for destruction after they are no longer needed. The legislation should also differentiate the methods of obtaining biological samples with defining the priorities for obtaining samples for DNA analysis by the way of buccal scraping (genal swabbing). We should provide separate rules for the permissible scope of molecular genetic testing for suspects (convicts) and other persons. It is also necessary to limit the possibility of unofficial obtaining DNA profiles and to establish procedural rules for mass genetic testing to detect especially grave crimes.




Amazonia Investiga



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