Open Access BASE2015

National ideological education of students in high schools: legal aspect ; Национально–идеологическое воспитание студенческой молодежи в высших учебных заведениях: нормативно–правовой аспект ; Національно–ідеологічне виховання студентської молоді у вищих навчальних закладах: нормативно–правовий аспект


The formulation of the problem. With the adop on of the new law "On Higher education" the paradigm of education has changed. In modern conditions the education of students in our country should be focused on introducing young people to the system of values of democratic (civil) society, anticipating preparing students to participate in solving of present and future challenges of the state to control it, to perform the functions of the builder and owner, director and artist, social activist, defender of the motherland. The analysis of recent research. Science teacher thought, and not only educational, quite a lot worked and is working to create conceptual provisions of national education of youth. To this problem and its various aspects there are dedicated the researches of V. Kuz, Yu. Rudenko, Z. Serhiychyk [9] J. Selezhan [19] and others [1–7]. V. Sukhomlinsky as leader of the Ukrainian national education not just exacerbated his attention to the need of education of youth in the national ideological spirit [21]. The purpose of the article is to investigate and determine the basic principles of national and ideological education of youth in today's challenging circumstances of preservation of Ukrainian state. (on the basis of the existing legal base). The conclusions. Ukrainian society, particularly its educational representatives in general, is the main subject of the impact of national patriotic ideology on the spiritual potential of youth. Formation of national ideology among young people contributes to the national security of Ukraine. This mechanism for the implementation of national patriotic ideology in the process of spiritual evolution and its potential as an integral element of the regulated significant role of the state in the process of transforming society is the guarantee of a high level of education of youth. ; На основании действующей нормативно–правовой базы исследованы и определены основные принципы национально–идеологического воспитания молодежи в современных сложных условиях сохранения ...

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