Open Access BASE2019

TO THE QUESTION ON PECULIARITIES OF UKRAINIAN-TURKISH AND UKRAINIAN-TATAR RELATIONS IN THE LAST THIRD OF XVII – EARLY XVIII c. ; К вопросу об особенностях украинско-турецких и украинско- татарских отношений в последней трети XVII – начале XVIII ст. ; Про особливості українсько-турецьких та українсько-татарських відносин в останній третині XVII – на початку ХVIII ст


The article explores the problem of Ukrainian–Turkish and Ukrainian-Tatar relations in the last third of XVII century – early XVIII century. This period was marked by the regrouping of political interests in Central and Eastern Europe, when the created system of peace treaties and its evolution gave the Ukrainian hetmans various fears about the fate of Ukraine, encouraged them to search for contacts with Crimean Khanate and Ottoman Empire. In these contacts at the state and especially public level, there was already a sufficiently controversial tradition. The ideological context associated with the phenomenon of identity (Cossack, Ukrainian) also played its role, which often entered into contradiction with the ideological frame of the real time policy. Аt the same time, in turn, the representatives of Crimean Khanate and Ottoman Empire had their own imaginationits toeards and tradition concerning Ukrainians,, which were formed in the context of their attitude to Christians, and also were determined by secular considerations of prey and economic benefits. Due to these reasons, the Ukrainian–Turkish and Ukrainian-Tatar relations of this time were a complex phenomenon, which, despite the existing historiography (for example, it should be mentioned the works by O. Galenko, T. Chukhlib), requires additional investigation. In addition to research the factual history if phenomenon and made attempt to reconstruct the Ukrainian–Turkish and Ukrainian–Tatar relations in this period as a certain system, in the article another attempt was made to outline the structure of the problem.The analysis of Ukrainian-Turkish and Ukrainian-Tatar relations in the last third of XVII century – on the beginning of XVIII c. conducted with using the official and narrative sources, allowed to allocate the following directions, studying of which is needed to reveal various aspects of the problem: terminology, the study of hostile relations in the context of secular and religious ideas, the study of allied and peaceful (included with social ...

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