Open Access BASE2020

Electronic System of Counteraction to Laser Means of Location and Destruction ; Електронна система протидії лазерним засобам локації та ураження


The work is devoted to the development of a device for counteracting laser means of location and destruction. The analysis of data from open literature on similar systems and technologies have been performed. Theoretical calculations of the effectiveness of protecting the human eye or optical device from laser damage with various types of protection have been carried out.Laser technology has been used by the military since the mid-1950s. The military uses lasers in systems of direct thermal destruction of the object, pointers, detection systems of snipers, systems of interference with snipers, rangefinders, etc. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, military-experimental blinding self-propelled complexes were created in the USSR. The development of laser and computer technology has significantly reduced the dimensions of the devices, as well as their cost. Now such systems are widely used in combat operations.On the other hand, there is a challenge to counteract such complexes. Systems are needed that can hide optical systems from detection, as well as prevent them from being destroyed by blinding complexes.The purpose of the work is to develop a system to counteract the laser complexes of location and damage. Its task is to hide the optical device from laser scanning systems and prevent the damage of the optical device or the human eye by blinding laser radiation.The relevance of this article is due to the need to create new and improve existing electronic systems to counteract the laser means of location and destruction. Despite the fact that studies in this area are conducted for more than one year, the choice of such systems is very small.To minimize the probability of detecting an optical device, mechanical means of narrowing the beam glare angle are commonly used. One example is cellular blinds. The length of one cell must be much higher than its diameter. The surface of the cell tubes should be blackened to reduce the reflection of light rays. For more accurate narrowing of the flare angle, it possible to ...

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