Open Access BASE2018

Потенціал взаємовпливу держави, місцевого самоврядування і громадських організацій в Україні: інтеграція досвіду, ініціатив, можливостей ; Potential of interoperability of the state, local self-government and public organizations in Ukraine: integration of experience, initiatives, opportunities


Систематизовано потенціал взаємовпливу органів державного управління, місцевого самоврядування та громадських організацій для визначення перспектив розвитку громадянського суспільства в Україні. Запропоновано схему інтеграції досвіду, ініціатив і можливостей усіх згаданих суб'єктів зазначеного процесу. Акцентовано увагу на характерних особливостях і проблемах взаємодії органів державної влади, місцевого самоврядування й інститутів громадянського суспільства. Вказано на державотворче значення тісної співпраці між ними. ; Problem setting. Taking into account the fact that public organizations play a significant role in socio-political processes, the dynamics of their development in some regions of Ukraine makes researchers thoroughly study the problems of interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions, following the evolution of their relationships, logic and trends of effective interaction, positive and negative variations of this process, etc. A vital need to systematize potential levers of mutually beneficial and deeply responsible cooperation between all national institutes of the state and society has matured.Recent research and publications analysis. Among the works related to the development of proposals for improving the process of interaction between the state and civil society, our attention attracted the materials of M. Kravchenko on the mechanisms of decentralization of social services in Ukraine, V. Ladychenko on the forms of interaction between the state and civil society. I. Kondratenko's article "Hromadske suspilstvo ta yoho vorohy" interested us with raising the question of the growth of demand for civil society institutes for the purpose of effective cooperation between the state and society, the article by S. Ishchuk "Kontseptualni zasady realizatsii prava na svobodu obiednan v Ukraini" shows purposeful state policy to support civil society.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem.Despite the understanding of the importance of the development of civil society in contemporary Ukraine, the activity and purposefulness of public organizations is often limited both by the legal uncertainty of their parameters and by the inadequate perception of public initiatives by regional authorities and local communities, the skepticism about the effectiveness of the "third sector", the establishment of target "donor" boundaries in grant activities. In our opinion, it would be more efficient to use the potential of integrating the experience, initiatives and opportunities of representatives of public authorities, local self-government and public organizations to address a number of local social issues. The above problems are faced with the corresponding research tasks, with the purpose of their clear justification for practical improvement in the process of interaction between the institutes of the state and civil society.Paper main body.The nature of the relationship between government bodies, local self-government bodies and civil society institutions should be built, among other things, and on the three principles that are inseparable from each other – the democratic governance of public administration, social interaction and legal certainty. According to our belief, only through the common understanding of the parties concerned by these principles, it is possible to establish clear boundaries between the interests of state power and civil society institutions, to differentiate their powers, to carry out a pragmatic assessment of opportunities and real monitoring of problems, forecasting and planning of actions in a concretely defined social space. Public organizations that declare readiness for such cooperation and initiate social service delivery should be encouraged by the state program of support of civil society institutions and receive a "carte blanch" to fulfill a specific social order. The logic of the above is based on the fact that the state remains in Ukraine a customer of social services and a controller over those who perform them. In fact, the state regulates the entire process. However, clear boundaries of influence on social contractors should be understood, since the overload of state control over civil society organizations violates the fundamental principles of civil society. Therefore, the potential of relations between state authorities, local self-government bodies and public organizations lies in the integration of their experience, initiative and real possibilities. By systematizing the potential of the mutual influence of public administration, local self-government and public organizations to determine the prospects for the development of civil society in Ukraine, we consider it necessary to establish a clear division of powers of each of the subjects of the process of integration of experience, initiatives and opportunities. In this case, all mentioned participants in this process receive their share of work to perform socially significant tasks.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Summing up these judgments, it should be noted that in Ukraine, despite the complexity of foreign and domestic political development, the course on European integration and the real implementation of democratic institutional principles remains not only unchangeable but also as a priority. Ukrainian non-governmental organizations are trying to use in practice the positive experience of the activities of civil society institutions of the European Union countries, bringing to the fore the spirit of volunteering which is traditional and crucial for the essence of social associations. However, the activity and purpose of public organization s are often limited by the legal uncertainty of the parameters of the activity of public institutions, the inadequate perception of public organizations initiatives by regional authorities and local communities, the skepticism about the effectiveness of the "third sector" and the target "donor" boundaries.Problem setting. Taking into account the fact that public organizations play a significant role in socio-political processes, the dynamics of their development in some regions of Ukraine makes researchers thoroughly study the problems of interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions, following the evolution of their relationships, logic and trends of effective interaction, positive and negative variations of this process, etc. A vital need to systematize potential levers of mutually beneficial and deeply responsible cooperation between all national institutes of the state and society has matured.Recent research and publications analysis. Among the works related to the development of proposals for improving the process of interaction between the state and civil society, our attention attracted the materials of M. Kravchenko on the mechanisms of decentralization of social services in Ukraine, V. Ladychenko on the forms of interaction between the state and civil society. I. Kondratenko's article "Hromadske suspilstvo ta yoho vorohy" interested us with raising the question of the growth of demand for civil society institutes for the purpose of effective cooperation between the state and society, the article by S. Ishchuk "Kontseptualni zasady realizatsii prava na svobodu obiednan v Ukraini" shows purposeful state policy to support civil society.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite the understanding of the importance of the development of civil society in contemporary Ukraine, the activity and purposefulness of public organizations is often limited both by the legal uncertainty of their parameters and by the inadequate perception of public initiatives by regional authorities and local communities, the skepticism about the effectiveness of the "third sector", the establishment of target "donor" boundaries in grant activities. In our opinion, it would be more efficient to use the potential of integrating the experience, initiatives and opportunities of representatives of public authorities, local self-government and public organizations to address a number of local social issues. The above problems are faced with the corresponding research tasks, with the purpose of their clear justification for practical improvement in the process of interaction between the institutes of the state and civil society.Paper main body. The nature of the relationship between government bodies, local self-government bodies and civil society institutions should be built, among other things, and on the three principles that are inseparable from each other – the democratic governance of public administration, social interaction and legal certainty. According to our belief, only through the common understanding of the parties concerned by these principles, it is possible to establish clear boundaries between the interests of state power and civil society institutions, to differentiate their powers, to carry out a pragmatic assessment of opportunities and real monitoring of problems, forecasting and planning of actions in a concretely defined social space. Public organizations that declare readiness for such cooperation and initiate social service delivery should be encouraged by the state program of support of civil society institutions and receive a "carte blanch" to fulfill a specific social order. The logic of the above is based on the fact that the state remains in Ukraine a customer of social services and a controller over those who perform them. In fact, the state regulates the entire process. However, clear boundaries of influence on social contractors should be understood, since the overload of state control over civil society organizations violates the fundamental principles of civil society. Therefore, the potential of relations between state authorities, local self-government bodies and public organizations lies in the integration of their experience, initiative and real possibilities. By systematizing the potential of the mutual influence of public administration, local self-government and public organizations to determine the prospects for the development of civil society in Ukraine, we consider it necessary to establish a clear division of powers of each of the subjects of the process of integration of experience, initiatives and opportunities. In this case, all mentioned participants in this process receive their share of work to perform socially significant tasks.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Summing up these judgments, it should be noted that in Ukraine, despite the complexity of foreign and domestic political development, the course on European integration and the real implementation of democratic institutional principles remains not only unchangeable but also as a priority. Ukrainian non-governmental organizations are trying to use in practice the positive experience of the activities of civil society institutions of the European Union countries, bringing to the fore the spirit of volunteering which is traditional and crucial for the essence of social associations. However, the activity and purpose of public organization s are often limited by the legal uncertainty of the parameters of the activity of public institutions, the inadequate perception of public organizations initiatives by regional authorities and local communities, the skepticism about the effectiveness of the "third sector" and the target "donor" boundaries.

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