Open Access BASE2019



The Soviet military training system unfolded at the universities of Lviv during the last period of the German-Soviet war, by the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 75 and by the Resolution of the People's Commissariat of the USSR No. 413 from April 13, 1944, which restored military and naval training in higher civilian educational institutions of the USSR. According to these legal documents, the aim of military training was "educating the students youth in the love to the Motherland and the devotion to the Soviet authorities". The military department of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute was founded after the restoration of the Institute in the early 1944–1945.The main idea of the research to investigate the role of the military department in the political education of students of one of the largest universities of Lviv in the Soviet period, to comprehensively consider the ideological and political functions of the officers of the department. Author were trying to investigate methods of political influence on student's youth, to show main ways to inform and spread communist dogmas, popularize military service and achievements of the Soviet Army.In this research author used the materials of the State Archive of the Lviv region: the fund of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute of the Soviet period, R-120 and the fund of the Party Committee of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute – P-380. The materials of the «Soviet student institute's newspaper» were used for the analysis of the political and ideological activities of officers of the military department. To confirm author's arguments, were used interviews with graduates of Lviv Polytechnic Institute, which give us some characteristic of the political work of the department.The tasks of military department of Lviv Polytechnic Institute were not only just training the officers. It also served as a key link in the ideological and political work. In order to identify «Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists», the teachers of the department filled up so called personnel file for every student, with information about origin, parents and family.As a conclusion we need to say that the military department of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute conducted active political and propaganda work with students, who were often involved in various kinds of political events and celebrations. Military patriotic work with students led, on the one hand, to the understanding and acceptance by students their military duty, and on the other hand, the excessive political engagement influenced the maturing of anti-militaristic attitudes among young people in the late 1980s. ; Розглянуто та проаналізовано політико-пропагандистську діяльність війсь­кової кафедри Львівського політехнічного інституту. У студії використано архівні матеріали, статті періодики, нормативно-правові акти радянських орга­нів влади, інформація інтерв'ю із випускниками військової кафедри Інституту. На основі використаних матеріалів проаналізовано військово-політичне нав­чання студентів, методи і форми пропаганди комуністичної ідеології офіцерами кафедри радянської ідеології для молоді Галичини. Авторка дійшла низки висновків: військова кафедра Львівського політехнічного інституту проводила активну політико-пропагандистську роботу зі студентами, яких часто залучали до різного роду політичних заходів та святкувань, була важливою ідеологічною одиницею вишу. Водночас на офіцерів військової кафедри була покладена місія вишколити достатньо фахових офіцерів запасу Радянської Армії.

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