Open Access BASE2011

Типологізація парламентсько-урядових коаліцій після парламентських виборів у Польщі 2005 р. та в Україні 2006 р. ; Typologizacja koalicji rządowo-parlamentarnych po wyborach do parlamentu 2005 roku w Polsce i 2006 roku na Ukrainie


The theoretical approaches to parliamentary coalitions that exist in international political science are presented in the article. A distinction between different types of coalitions is made, coalitions are analyzed in the parliaments of Poland and Ukraine after the parliamentary elections of 2005 and 2006 respectively. The attention is paid to the difficulties in determining the type of coalition in Ukraine due to lack of clear rules of the political game in Ukraine. ; The theoretical approaches to parliamentary coalitions that exist in international political science are presented in the article. A distinction between different types of coalitions is made, coalitions are analyzed in the parliaments of Poland and Ukraine after the parliamentary elections of 2005 and 2006 respectively. The attention is paid to the difficulties in determining the type of coalition in Ukraine due to lack of clear rules of the political game in Ukraine.




Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; Studia politologica Ucraino-Polona

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