Open Access BASE2019

National interests concerning intellectual property in the european integration process ; Относительно влияния нарушений прав интеллектуальной собственности на обороноспособность государства ; Щодо національних інтересів стосовно інтелектуальної власності в процесі євроінтеграції


The process of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation and its influence on national interests is con­sidered. The legislation of Ukraine concerning the regulation of issues of intellectual property protection in the implementation of international scientific and technical co­operation is analyzed. The necessity of improvement of the legislation on protection of national interests is indicated.The winding path that Ukraine was walking through to Europe eventually led to a straight line. However, there are many obstacles on this straight line that Ukraine needs to overcome to join the community of democratic European states. One of these obstacles is the discrepancy of our legislation with European standards, including in the area of intellectual property.However, when implementing the legislative reform in the field of intellectual property, one should proceed from the understanding that the national interests should be in the center of attention.Since the objects of intellectual property rights are created mainly in the course of scientific and scientific and technical activities, this is the area where it is necessary to ensure their proper protection, especially during the international scientific and technical cooperationIntellectual property protection during the international cooperation should be en­sured, first and foremost, by bilateral agreements on this issue, which should be en­tered into with the initiation of cooperation in any sphere, as well as agreements on the protection of classified information. These agreements should define the basic principles for the conclusion of contracts (contracts) and be aimed at mutual protec­tion of information, prevention of violation of rights to the results of intellectual activ­ity when used in cooperation.Since the interstate agreements on intellectual property protection are absent, so at the level of direct participants in international scientific and technical cooperation, in concluding agreements on cooperation, in most cases, there is no harmonization of the order of protection and distribution of rights for intellectual property rights ob­jects created by each of the parties.Therefore, when adapting the legislation in accordance with European norms, it is necessary to introduce appropriate measures to prevent and avoid the above-men­tioned errors and violations in international scientific and technical cooperation and to protect both the interests and rights of scientists and authors of intellectual prop­erty rights objects and national interests concerning intellectual property. ; Рассмотрен процесс адаптации законодательства Украины к законодательству ЕС и его влияние на национальные интересы. Проанализировано законодатель­ство Украины по урегулированию вопросов охраны интеллектуальной собствен­ности при организации международного научно-технического сотрудничества. Указано на необходимость усовершенствования законодательства по обеспечению защиты национальных интересов. ; Розглянуто процес адаптації законодавства України до законодавства ЄС та його вплив на національні інтереси. Проаналізовано законодавство України стосовно вре­гулювання питань охорони інтелектуальної власності при здійсненні міжнародного науково-технічного співробітництва. Зазначено необхідність удосконалення законо­давства щодо забезпечення захисту національних інтересів.

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