Open Access BASE2019

Criminal legal counterwork of domestic violence in some countries of the European Union ; Кримінально-правова протидія домашньому насильству в окремих країнах Європейського Союзу


The level of crime associated with domestic violence has been observed in the European Union in recent years. In some countries, for example in France, this is a common problem.The problem of domestic violence is explored in the works of such scientists, as O. Bandurka, A. Blaga, O. Dzhuzha, B. Golovkin, O. Kostenko, R. Perelygina. But the issue of criminal legal counterwork of domestic violence in the countries of the European Union is not researched enough.The experience of criminal legal counterwork of domestic violence in such countries of European Union as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Poland was researched. It was analyzed criminal laws of Great Britain, France, Germany and Poland, which regulate the counterwork of domestic violence.In our opinion, the positive elements of the system of criminal legal counterwork of domestic violence in the UK is the possibility of prohibiting the contacts of the aggressor with the victim, the failure to admit him to the family home and the possibility of checking the partner on a violent past. In the system of criminal law enforcement of domestic violence in France, it is positive that the crime of marriage or partner is aggravating circumstances for all crimes, the possibility of evicting the offender from home both before and after imprisonment, the criminalization of the incest and the threats of committing a crime against a spouse, a partner who lives with the offender under the civic solidarity agreement. In the system of criminal legal counterwork of domestic violence in Germany, the positive elements are provision for a special norm that establishes criminal liability for theft by relatives or persons living in the same house, criminalization of the incest, the obligation of the offender to leave the home and the possibility of preventing him from staying in certain places, to live in a certain locality or in a certain area. In the system of criminal law enforcement of domestic violence in Poland, positive elements are the creation of a "blue line", the possibility of an immediate extradition without a court order of a child who is being abused.Based on the analysis of the experience of criminal legal counterwork of domestic violence in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Poland, we consider it is expedient to include in the legislation of Ukraine norms regarding the recognition of the crime of marriage or partner as an aggravating circumstance for all crimes, the possibility of evicting an offender from home as before and after being imprisoned, prohibiting the offender from staying in specified places, residing in a certain settlement of a certain area, the possibility of immediate removal without a court decision of a child who is suffering from severe illness criminality of incest and treats of domestic violence, the possibility of checking a partner at a violent past.Article received 27.02.2019 ; У статті досліджено досвід кримінально-правової протидії домашньому насильству в таких країнах Європейського Союзу, як Велика Британія, Франція, Німеччина та Польща. Розглянуто кримінально-правові норми цих країн, які визначають поняття, види домашнього насильства та перелік осіб, які є потерпілими і кривдниками в контексті кримінального законодавства. Проаналізовано кримінально-правові норми, які регламентують протидію домашньому насильству. Визначено заходи, які застосовуються до кривдників з метою запобігання та протидії домашньому насильству. Досліджено роль та функції поліції в контексті кримінально-правової протидії домашньому насильству. Проаналізовано досвід кримінально-правової протидії домашньому насильству щодо дітей у Польщі. Визначено основні напрями протидії домашньому насильству в Україні, враховуючи відповідний позитивний досвід у Великій Британії, Франції, Німеччині та Польщі.Матеріал надійшов 27.02.2019

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