Open Access BASE2019

Проблема консолідації суспільства в контексті євроінтеграційних прагнень України: основні виклики ; The problem of consolidation of society in the context of the euro-integration aspirations of Ukraine: main challenges


Розглянуто низку аспектів проблеми консолідації українського суспільства у контексті курсу держави на європейську інтеграцію та в умовах боротьби із гібридною агресією Російської Федерації (далі – РФ). Запропоновано авторське бачення змісту поняття консолідації суспільства. Показано, що першою перешкодою просуванню консолідаційних процесів є культурно-ціннісні відмінності між різними регіонами країни, які набули політичних вимірів. Зазначено, що інші важливі аспекти проблеми консолідації формують криза довіри громадян до влади, недоліки механізмів зворотного зв'язку між владою та громадами, а також укорінені у вітчизняному політичному просторі популістські елементи політичної поведінки. ; Problem setting. The events of the last years crucial to the fate of the Ukrainian state have given the problem of consolidation of society of special relevance. Its main dimensions today form two interrelated moments: European integration efforts of Ukraine and confrontation with the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation. In their context, the need to unite citizens is an obvious necessity. For this purpose, it is important to correctly identify the main factors of social differentiation, outline the obstacles to promoting consolidation processes, which should be the basis for efforts to overcome them. Recent research and publications analysis. A general analysis of the problem of social consolidation was made in the writings of Y. Polischuk, O. Krivitska, O. Petukhova, G. Lutsyshyn, A. Ovcharova, O. Maiboroda, O. Pashkova, N. Averyanova. Foreign policy aspects of the problem of social consolidation in Ukraine were analyzed by A. Pavko, Y. Tyrkus, E. Magda. The connection between the national factor and the objectives of social consolidation was the subject of analysis by A. Kolodiy, O. Orzhel, N. Pidberezhnik.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The little-studied aspect of the subject covered by the article is the question of the relation and interconnection of external and internal factors that impede the consolidation of Ukrainian society, as well as determining the influence on it of such factors as the level of public confidence in the government, the peculiarities of political culture.Paper main body. The emphasis on the importance of the problem of social consolidation is repeated in the analytical works of researchers at different periods. Today, when Ukraine has to resist the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation, scientists particularly point out those aspects of the problem of consolidation of Ukrainian society, which are connected with the tasks of protecting the sovereignty and independence of our state. At the same time, a high level of social consolidation is a prerequisite for further Ukraine's progress towards European integration. In general, the consolidation of society can be seen as a combination of two major interdependent processes: the process of defining and approving the generally accepted "rules of the game", the basic norms and procedures for decision-making, and the process of forming in the society common goals, as well as the process of cooperation and unification of citizens in order to achieve them. At the same time, one can speak of a certain state of society, which results from these processes, that is, the level of its consolidation/ deconsolidation. Today, there is a clear existence in the Ukrainian society of profound social "splits", the confrontation of distinct ideologies and value systems. The first line of division, or the factor of deconsolidation, is the division of value-cultural, which is clearly correlated with the territorial/regional, and to some extent with ethnicity. The differences in the historical path of different regions of Ukraine have caused deep and persistent differences in their cultural characteristics and political preferences, the vision of regional communities in their developmental tasks. These differences in the course of the hybrid aggression against Ukraine were used by the Russian Federation, which seeks to spread in our country different from Ukrainian political identities and separatist sentiments.An alternative to Russian appears in Ukraine a western vector of cultural and political development. However, it has never aimed to undermine the sovereignty of Ukraine, has not been a factor in promoting separatism and has always been implemented through entirely legitimate ways of political, economic and cultural influence.Against the backdrop of Russian pressure on Ukraine as a catalyst for the transformation of regional differences in political and their deconsolidating influence on Ukrainian society, a number of other factors related to the quality of domestic political institutions, the defects of the general political culture and the behavior of the public "elites" remained and remain. Among them there should be a crisis of trust in power, shortcomings of mechanisms of feedback between the authorities and citizens, as well as populist elements of political behavior common in the Ukrainian political space.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. In Ukraine, the problem of consolidation is one of the key problems of social development throughout the period of independence. Excellent ways of historical development of various Ukrainian regions led to a deep and steady division of society on a regional basis, in which the cultural and value differences between the regions acquired a clear political dimension and became one of the dominant political life of the country. These differences created the core of the identity crisis, which, in the course of a "hybrid" aggression against Ukraine, is trying to use the Russian Federation. An important section of the problem of consolidation of society form a number of other factors. First of all, it is a crisis of confidence in the government, due to the excessively high level of property stratification of society, combined with institutionalized corruption, poor functioning of the channels of feedback between public administration bodies and citizens. Another aspect of the consolidation problem is the populist nature of the perception of democratic political competition as an opposition in which the compromise is unacceptable.

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