Open Access BASE2019

Особливості публічно-правових спорів у контексті формування повноважень органів публічної влади ; Peculiarities of public-legal disputes in the context of forming the powers of public authorities


Розглянуто сутність публічно-правового спору як одного із можливих способів формування повноважень органів публічної влади. Виявлено особливості публічно-правових спорів, які впливають на сутність формування та реалізації повноважень органів публічної влади. Розглянуто суб'єктність публічно-правових спорів, владну ознаку суб'єкта владних повноважень, публічний інтерес як предмет публічно-правових спорів. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення вимог законодавства України у частині набуття та реалізації повноважень органів публічної влади з позиції застосування публічно-правових спорів. ; Problem setting. The problem of revealing and the possibility of using the methods of forming powers, avoiding their duplication, differentiating powers, etc. remains topical in the activity of public authorities. The object of this study is the public-legal relations of public authorities. The subject of the study is a public-legal dispute as a way of forming the powers of public authorities. Recent research and publications analysis. The peculiarities of the emergence of public-legal disputes, its spheres of existence, and relationships with other concepts of public administration are set forth in scientific writings in modern scientific legal literature V. Averyanova, Yu. Bytiak, I. Borodina, T. Kolomoyets, V. Kolpakova, A. Komziuk, O. Kuzmenko, T. Matselyk, O. Mykolenko, O. Riabchenko and a number of other scholars.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The unresolved part of the general problem is the identification and implementation of opportunities for using the methods of forming the powers of public authorities. The paper proposes to deepen the research in the field of public-legal disputes as one of the possible ways to solve this problem. Paper main body. The essence of the public-legal dispute is disclosed and its role as one of the possible ways of forming powers of public authorities is clarified. As public administration and local self-government carry out special subjects of public power, it was discovered that the criterion for referring cases to administrative jurisdiction is the participation in the case of the party – the subject of public power. Having generalized the writings on this issue, we make a conclusion that the administrative-legal dispute in the narrow sense is a dispute that arises in the sphere of administrative-legal relations, and in the broad sense, as a public-legal dispute arising from all relations that arise in the area of public administration and have a public-legal nature. The main features of public-legal disputes that influence the nature of forming and implementing powers of public authorities are revealed. In particular, there is analyzed a subjectivity of public-legal disputes under which subjects of a public-legal dispute and their status are one of the main features for the definition, analysis and study of ways to resolve public-legal disputes. Another peculiarity of public-legal disputes is the presence of a feature of the public authority of the subject of public powers. In the paper, there is defined the peculiarity of public-legal disputes as the presence of public interest in it as the subject-matter of arising disputes. This concept requires a conceptual and theoretical and methodological substantiation since it has a substantive feature and inherently constitutes a prerequisite for arising public-legal disputes. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. The essence of the public-legal dispute as one of the possible ways of forming powers of public authorities is considered. The main features of public-legal disputes that influence the nature of forming and implementing powers of public authorities are revealed. In particular, there are considered the subjectivity of public-legal disputes, the feature of the public authority of the subject of public powers, and public interest as a subject of public-legal disputes. Recommendations on improving the requirements of Ukrainian legislation in the part of acquiring and implementing powers of public authorities from the standpoint of the application of public-legal disputes are offered.

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