Open Access BASE2020

Principles of formation of the balance of interests: challenges and opportunities for united territorial communities ; Принципи формування балансу інтересів: виклики та можливості для об'єднання територіальних громад


Problem setting. The process of united territorial communities formation is regulated by law and a number of scientific works on jurisprudence and public administration are devoted to this issue, on the other side, the issue of achieving a balance of interests and maintaining it in the future is a poorly studied area in public administration.Recent research and publications analysis. The analysis of recent researches and publications shows that the problems of forming and maintaining the balance of interests in public administration, in particular in the process of creating united territorial communities, have been studied from the standpoint of balancing public and private interests in economy (O. Nikishina), in judge practice (E. Borisov), in law (Yu. Miroshnichenko), as a method of regulating social relations (O. Pimenova, T. Baluta), overcoming contradictions in international politics (D. Yakovlev).Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Unfortunately, the unresolved part of the issue is the achievement of a balance of interests in terms of the development of regional governance and the functioning of united territorial communities. This area is considered for the first time in the article.Paper main body. According to the nowadays researchers, one of the effective ways of achieving a balance of interests in the process of creating the united territorial communities is the principle of proportionality. The principle of balance of private and public interests acts in administrative and economic relations, as the main beginning of consideration in court, which presupposes that the court takes into account private and public legal regulation of disputed material legal relations; appropriate procedural rules to ensure the equal protection of the private and public interests of the entities. Such approaches should be broadened and recognized that not only the balance of public and private interest is an important substantive aspect of the rule of law and social stability in a given territory, but also: the balance of interests of individual entities that may cause conflicts of interest in the process of creating an united territorial community.The principle of rationality. In general, the rationality of the behavior of interested entities in any sphere of public relations is directed towards the attainment of their own goals within the limits of the state requirements for their activity. The process of public relations, including the formation and functioning of united territorial community, involves the rational formulation of the goal of social and global development, the search for the most effective means of achieving it, the calculation of costs and benefits (not financial benefits) from the implementation of a certain strategy, taking into account the behavior of other entities, understanding and assessing the situation as a whole. The challenges to the principle of proportionality, in our opinion, include:– the need to identify interests that can reconcile individual, group and territorial, regional and national interests;– shortage of time in making political (socially significant) choices under conditions of rapid transformation in society;– benefit-sharing between stakeholders. In the interests of balance, each stakeholder receives a certain amount of benefit from the action in which it or they participates in order to satisfy the interest of the entire community or territory.Given the above, there is a need to find new forms of stakeholder engagement and control, to provide feedback and participation for citizens, groups and communities in shaping the overall agenda and maintaining a balance of interests.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. As the conclusion can be summarized the following thesis's:– the balance of interests should become one of the principles of state regulatory policy, one of the principles of local self-government and service in local self-government bodies, as it is an integral part of consensus democracy;– balance of interests is at the same time the foundation, mechanism, factor of success of processes in society, in particular prevention of social conflicts;– continuous efforts to achieve and maintain a balance of interests based on the principles of the proportionality, rationality and inviolability of human rights, in the practice of creating and function an united territorial community should lead to the stability of social relations and the predicted development of the territory, society and the state;– further research into the mechanisms (forms and methods, influencing factors) of achieving and maintaining a balance of interests in society (from the standpoint of rulemaking, economics, public administration, etc.) is extremely relevant and necessary for the formation of balance, stability and harmony of social relations, as the result - ensuring the sustainable development of our country. ; Актуалізовано необхідність досягнення балансу інтересів між зацікавленими суб'єктами під час формування та подальшого функціонування об'єднаних територіальних громад. Запропоновано принципи, які мають застосовувати всі учасники суспільних відносин для дотримання балансу інтересів із метою спроможності територіальної громади. Обґрунтовано можливість застосування балансу інтересів як механізму врегулювання соціальних протиріч в об'єднаних територіальних громадах та забезпечення розвитку територій.

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