Open Access BASE2020



The article deals with the nature and peculiarities of students' critical thinking on the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign researches. It is argued that critical thinking is manifested in the ability of a person (natural or acquired) to independently evaluate the phenomena of surrounding reality, scientific knowledge, thoughts and statements of other people, the ability to see their positive and negative sides; as well as striving for a better, more optimal solution to the problems, to viewing the existing dogmas, stereotypes, and traditions.The main features of critical thinking are: the ability of a person to independently analyze information, determine its essence, compare with other information and make their own conclusions; ability to see mistakes or artificial distortions in the arguments of partners and other sources of information, review their positions if they are not critical; ability to recognize propaganda, that is, a deliberate effort on the part of the certain social groups or leaders to influence the minds and positions of the masses; ability to evaluate social phenomena, political actions, actions of social and political leaders and individuals from the point of view of a human morality; presence of a reasonable amount of doubt skepticism, the desire to find better solutions, actions, conclusions in specific situations; principles, courage in defending their positions, views, faith; openness to the perception of other views, positions, respect for their diversity. Thus, on the basis of the analysis of modern English textbooks, it was found out that the necessary material for the fostering of critical thinking while reading foreign language texts is not enough. This necessitates the refinement of a number of techniques and methods for fostering critical thinking based on the material of these textbooks.The technique of fostering critical thinking in the study of English is revealed, which includes the following stages: "challenge ‒ comprehension of content – reflection", which reproduce three stages of a single process of the teacher's and his students movement from the set goals to the results of mastering a new material. ; У статті на основі аналізу вітчизняних та зарубіжних праць характеризується сутність та особливості критичного мислення учнів. Стверджується, що критичне мислення проявляється в здатності людини (природна або набута) до самостійної оцінки явищ оточуючої дійсності, наукових знань, думок і тверджень інших людей, умінням бачити їх позитивні та негативні сторони; а також прагнення до кращого, більш оптимального розв'язання проблем, до перегляду існуючих догм, стереотипів, традицій. Розкривається методика застосування технології формування критичного мислення під час вивчення англійської мови.

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