Open Access BASE2020

Analysis of spatial development entities in Ukraine ; Аналіз суб'єктів просторового розвитку в Україні


Problem setting. Spatial development of Ukraine today is characterized by the presence of serious problems and negative trends, including inequalities of socio-economic development of some regions and settlements, inconsistency of social, economic, urban and environmental aspects of their development.State and local governments solve these problems by developing and implementing spatial development strategies. However, very few of such strategies met the real challenges and needs of local communities, were implemented or integrated.Recent research and publications analysis. Such Ukrainian scientists as O. Berdanova, B. Bezzubko, V. Vakulenko, G. Vasylchenko, Z. Gerasymchuk, O. Kary, V. Mamonova, O. Karlova, I. Parasyuk, A. Tkachuk and some others should be noted among the researchers of strategic planning and territorial development. Some national scientists devoted their research to relevant aspects of project management in territorial development, such as O. Amosha, V. Babayev, O. Bezugly, Z. Varnaliy, S. Vovkanych, S. Ghazaryan, A. Galchynsky, V. Geets, Z. Gerasymchuk, B. Danylyshyn, M. Dolishniy, T. Zayats, O. Kavtysh, I. Katsai, G. Litosh, O. Medvedeva, V. Molokanova, O. Novikova, O. Pidkuyko, S. Pisarenko, V. Rach, O. Rossoshanska, V. Seminozhenko, S. Chernov and some others.A number of methodological documents for spatial development planning have also been developed as part of EuropeAid technical assistance programs and projects.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Previous research has paid almost no attention to the identification of specific entities that are currently involved in the spatial development of Ukraine. The lack of clearly defined development "recipients" deprives the developed strategic documents of any specific vector of their implementation. This greatly complicates the functioning of the spatial development system in our country and reduces its efficiency. Therefore, the aim of the study is to propose a method of spatial development entities analysis in order to identify the actors who now provide implementation of measures in the field of spatial development in Ukraine.Paper main body. According to the proposed method, the first stage of the spatial development entities analysis is the establishment of landowners as potential assets users for the implementation of development measures. The next analyzed group of participants includes the subjects of urban planning, namely – customers of buildings construction and reconstruction, which are contained in the Unified Register of documents certifying the commissioning of completed facilities. The third group of spatial development entities studied includes investors who provide financing for spatial development activities. Statistical data on capital investments by sources of financing were obtained from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.Certain spatial development entities are clearly divided into the public or private sphere, as project management approaches and methods in these areas have traditionally differed significantly. According to the developed method, the analysis of current entities in Ukrainian spatial development was carried out.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Obtained results of the analysis allow us to establish the representatives of the private sector as the main players in the spatial development in Ukraine. They own almost three quarters of Ukraine's land. They are the most active participants in urban development, and they are the ones who provide more than 87% of capital investments with their own funds. That is, spatial development must be strategically attractive primarily for the private sector. Therefore, a topical area for further research may be the search of mechanisms for reconciling the strategic priorities established by the authorities in spatial development strategies with the strategic priorities of private structures as the main actors in spatial development. ; Зазначено, що сучасний стан територій України свідчить про наявність суттєвих проблем і негативних явищ. Визначено, що причинами цього є відсутність чітко встановлених суб'єктів розвитку, що позбавляє стратегічні документи з розвитку конкретного вектору їх реалізації. Запропоновано модель аналізу суб'єктів просторового розвитку, за якою визначені представники приватного сектора як основні учасники процесів просторового розвитку України.

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