Open Access BASE2020

Legal basis of management for processes of provision of medical services in the field of assisted reproductive techniques in Ukraine ; Правові засади управління процесами надання медичних послуг із допоміжних репродуктивних технологій в Україні


Problem setting. The demographic situation in Ukraine and the nature of social and economic processes, which inextricably are connected with increasing human potential, show that the reproductive health of population is a factor of state importance, national security and development of our state, as well as the success factor of Ukrainian society. The conceptual positions of the authorities on the basic provisions of reproductive health regulation are an important part of the management processes and implementation of state policies in the field of public health and provision of medical services. Recent research and publications analysis. Scientific works of modern foreign and domestic authors, such as: V. Averianov, S. Brauns, D. Puhach, B. Khartman, M. Shchyrban and other authors, who are engaged in scientific substantiation of issues of state regulation in the field of health care, were dedicated to the development of reproductive health issues; as well as practicing lawyers, such as: S. Antonov, O. Babych, V. Zukin and others, who focused their research on the protection of rights of the subjects during application of the assisted reproductive techniques. At the same time, it should be noted that the vast majority of modern research focuses on the legal aspect of administrative and legal regulation of the provision of medical services in the field of assisted reproductive techniques. The scholars have considered only certain legal aspects. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem: detection and identification of weaknesses and strengths in legal regulation of relations in the process of providing medical services in the field of assisted reproductive techniques, and possible directions for the development of legislation in this area. The purpose of the study is to determine the legal framework for regulating the provision of medical services in the field of assisted reproductive techniques in Ukraine. Paper main body. The purpose of the article is to determine the legal basis for management of processes of provision of medical services in the field of the assisted reproductive techniques in Ukraine. The article analyzes the current regulations of different legal force that constitute the legal basis for management of provision of medical services in the field of the assisted reproductive techniques in Ukraine. The international, national and departmental levels of regulation of medical services in this area have been identified and studied. It has been determined that the state policy in the field of reproductive health protection goes beyond the competence of the health care sector and becomes a priority of the national security policy. On the other hand, the existing legislative and regulatory sphere of Ukraine is favorable for solving the problems of reproductive health and family planning. However, state monitoring of reproductive health and family planning legislation are unfortunately ineffective: insufficient and volatile funding for measures hampers the desired results. It is necessary constantly to supplement and update existing regulations, taking into account international legal instruments and economic, social and sectoral reforms in Ukraine. The article analyzes five legislative drafts that are currently being considered by the Parliament. Based on this, were identified the trends in development of regulations governing the management of provision of medical services in the field of assisted reproductive techniques in Ukraine in the coming years, the main of which is gradual liberalization of the legislation. The main problems are the following: the legal status of surrogate mothers (birth mothers), genetic parents, donors of the reproductive cells. All these shall be regulated by the legislation. Now this issue actually remains in the field of contractual relations. The genetic parents are also at the particular risk. All parties involved in such relationship need the protection. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. The trend of recent years in legal regulation of the provision of medical services in the field of the assisted reproductive techniques in Ukraine is liberalization of the legislation. Based on the law, the conclusions of experts, it can be noted that the regulation of medical services to ensure the application of ART still has a number of problems, namely: improper implementation of powers and authority regarding regulatory and legal regulation of the state sectoral bodies in the field of health care; insufficient efficiency of functioning of the ART financing mechanism used by the State; shortage and low level of qualification of medical staff; low and inefficient implementation of oversight functions by the authorized public administration bodies in the field of ART, etc. The promising areas of scientific research include such proposals for solving the abovementioned problems as: a continuous analysis of the practice of implementation of legal provisions in the field of health care, in particular the ART; identification and elimination of gaps in legal regulation of medical services in the field of the ART; development of mechanisms of professional liability for medical staff; establishment of guarantees and measures of social support for medical staff; development and implementation of mechanisms for monitoring the activities of all stakeholders during the application of the ART. ; Проаналізовано чинні нормативно-правові акти, які становлять законодавче підґрунтя надання медичних послуг із допоміжних репродуктивних технологій в Україні різної юридичної сили, виявлено прогалини регламентації, перспективні напрями для розвитку галузі. Визначено та досліджено міжнародний, національний і відомчий рівні регулювання надання медичних послуг у цій сфері. Встановлено, що державна політика у сфері охорони репродуктивного здоров'я населення виходить за межі компетенції винятково сфери охорони здоров'я і набуває ознак першочергових завдань національної політики. Завдяки аналізу п'яти законопроектів, які мають регулювати надання медичних послуг у цій сфері, визначено основні тенденції розвитку державної політики, такі як лібералізація законодавства, розширення спектру послуг, розширення джерел фінансування тощо.

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