Open Access BASE2014

Концептуалізація традиції викладання риторики в умовах постіндустріального суспільства (на прикладі США) ; Концептуализация традиции преподавания риторики в условиях постиндустриального общества (на примере США) ; Conceptualization of the rhetoric's teaching traditions in the post-industrial society (using USA as an example)


У статті розглянуто питання концептуалізації традиції викладання риторики в системі освіти США. Простежено зв'язок концепції "риторичної культури" та впровадження в процес навчання новітніх медіатехнологій. Зроблено висновок про важливість концепції "риторичної культури" для педагогічної доктрини США. ; В статье рассматриваются вопросы концептуализации традиции преподавания риторики в системе образования США. Прослеживается связь концепции "риторической культуры" и внедрение в процесс обучения новейших медиатехнологий. Сделан вывод о важности концепции "риторической культуры" для педагогической доктрины США. ; This article examines modern conceptualization of the rhetoric's teaching traditions in the American educational system.There is a clear link between the demise of the "rhetorical culture" and introduction of the newest media technologies in the educational process. We can see the importance of the "rhetorical culture" in the American teaching doctrine.This importance of rhetoric in the educational system is said to be because of the academical tendencies such as appeal to classicism and the philosophy of language. I effect, they combined their powers to re-establish the role of the rhetoric. It is also important to remember that the American system of education was formed in the beginning of the 20th century from the philosophy and the pragmatism teachings.In the beginning of the 20th century the introduction of the rhetoric courses was mainly due to the desire to save national political traditions regarding democracy and patriotism. Verbal articulations were important part of the political culture. It is also known that in the USA having various religious talks was well established tradition.American educational system is one of the most developed in the world and was one of the first who started to realize the potential of the electronic means of communication.American theorists looking at the culture through the prism of communication. This article examines the transformation of the conceptualization and the particularities of the American education due to arrival of the "new media". We can also see a shift in the way the "rhetoric paradigm of culture" is defined due to the new challenges to the system of education and to the culture as a whole posed by the the "new media".

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