Open Access BASE2017

Law enforcement policy: notion, content, purpose. ; Правоприменительная политика: понятие, содержание, назначение


The subject of research is law enforcement policy as an integral part and form of the realizationof complex system phenomenon of legal policy.The purpose. The study of optimization of law enforcement policy as a vital task of legalscience and practice.The results and scope of it's application. Law enforcement policy creates the strategy andtactics of law enforcement and significantly defines its social efficiency.The content of law enforcement policy is diverse. It comprises such questions as: definitionof main state priorities in the sphere of law realization; working out major goals and principlesof law enforcement activity; coordination and general law enforcement management;stimulation of scientific and other activities aimed at the improvement of forms and methodsof individual powerful actions; definition of scientifically proved criteria of its efficiency;provision of the legal regime in the country, the regime of exact abidance of the constitutionand other laws by all legal subjects; creation of necessary political and organizational guaranteesof realization of laws and personal freedom; working out basic principles of cooperationbetween state, society and person in sphere of law realization; development of legalcommunications, provision of transparency, availability of the information concerning thechanges made in law realization sphere, their goals, achieved results etc.Conclusions. Law enforcement policy is the field of interdisciplinary investigations. That iswhy both law theorists and representatives of specific juridical sciences should study it. Theenforcement policy is an important factor for the optimization of law enforcement and thepractice of realization of law in general. ; В статье анализируются теоретические основы правоприменительной политики как составного элемента и формы проявления правовой политики современного государства. Неконструктивной признается позиция авторов, видящих в правоприменительной политике исключительно негативный фактор правового развития. Исследуютсяобъективные предпосылки становления правоприменительной политики. Рассматриваются основные черты правоприменительной политики, а также особенности ее содержания и назначения. Делается вывод о том, что правоприменительная политика является важным фактором оптимизации правоприменительной деятельности и практики реализации права в целом.

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