Open Access BASE2014

Non-governmental public organizations as institute of civil society are in Ukraine. ; Неправительственные гражданские организации как институт гражданского общества в Украине. ; Неурядові громадські організації як інститут грома- дянського суспільства в Україні


The article is sanctified to the actual range of problems of becoming of Ukrainian civil society in the conditions of political, socio-economic, legal and spiritual transformations. The special attention in this process an author spares to activity of ungovernmental public organizations as one of main institutes of civil society.Modern constitutional processes in Ukraine are characterized by not only the ambiguousness but also dynamic. Speech goes not only about their politic-legal measuring, and foremost about expansion of circle of subjects of constitutionally-legal relations and optimization of them legal status, improvement of existing and claim of new institutes of the state and institutes of civil society, that is transformed from political in a constitutionally-legal plane and, the same, enrich the system of constitutional right and find the logical continuation in the system of current legislation of Ukraine.One of priorities of national interests of Ukraine there is development of civil society and him democratic institutes. In this connection the special actuality is acquired by researches of theory of civil society, his structure, legal status him separate institutes, namely ungovernmental public organizations. For Ukraine the characteristic asymmetricness is in development of institutes of civil society. For the achievement of optimal equilibrium it is necessary to barrier the institutes of civil society from excessive limitations and for legal to influence. None of his institutes must prevail, and their cooperation must form the single integral system for the achievement of sinergistical effect.Summarizing, it is possible to expound a hope, that the acceptance of this bill by Verkhovna Rada, will allow to carry out the quality legislative providing of institute of public organizations in Ukraine, and consequently - to provide the effective functioning of all system of institutes of civil society, optimize ways and forms of socially responsible dialogue between civil society and legal state. This bill, will assist providing of transparency of legislation, unity of the normative adjusting and practice of his application; minimizations of sentinel and property expenses in relationships with power at creation, functioning and stopping of activity of public organizations; liquidations of territorial limitations of activity of public organizations; to providing of legal possibility for physical and legal persons to create the maximally wide spectrum of public organizations; to expansion of legal possibilities of public organizations in relation to realization of the activity, including economic, to creation of legal soil for the input of new mechanisms of government order on a grant public organizations of separate services on competitive principles. ; Рассмотрена актуальная проблематика становления украинского гражданского общества в условиях политических, социально-экономических, правовых и духовных трансформаций.Особое внимание в этом процессе уделено деятельности неправительственных гражданских организаций как одного из основных институтов гражданского общества ; Розглянуто актуальну проблематику становлення українського громадянського суспільства в умовах політичних, соціально-економічних, правових та духовних трансформацій. Особливу увагу приділеноє діяльності неурядових громадських організацій як одного з головних інститутів громадянського суспільства.


Ukrainisch, Englisch


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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