Open Access BASE2013

Humanistic-evaluative basis of the state power organization in the civil society ; Гуманистически-ценностные основы организации государственной власти в гражданском обществе. ; Гуманістично-ціннісні засади організації державної влади в громадянському суспільстві


Background in question is caused primarily by the fact that the very development of civil society in Ukraine requires the further development of theoretical discourse. This need is caused by both the practical needs of conscious, purposeful and active participation of citizens in the formation and development of civil society, and in so problematic situation in the realm of the theoretical reflection The author comes from the fact that civil society is not well-defined, fixed, empirically fixed no limits in terms of its external nor in terms of its internal form. Therefore, it is impossible to consistently describe and understand only by identifying its quantitative, structural and organizational settings. In modern terms perspective can be considered only society, government is focused on strengthening ethical values, to overcome the situation where there is humiliation personality, upbringing enslaved man, not able to identify all of their creative abilities, Personality, its interests and aspirations , values and goals are the kind of measure of government.The issue of government is one of the urgent problems of modern political science. Political and legal thought constantly searches for ways optimal model of government. This motivates the need of building a new democratic social state of law on the foundation of the most reliable, accurate and complete understanding of the nature, content and purpose of government.Humanist-value problems today is important for political science, since values are the integrative basis for the individual and for the social group of civil society. Humanistic foundations show their importance in the analysis of state and governance, impossible without the guidance value in practical realities of being a conscious choice of the subject prior to decision-making.In the process of civil society are needed changes in the legal outlook authorities targeting it to search for optimal humanistic foundations of organization, finding ways to remove the contradiction between the moral and necessary moral-stimulated in its activity. Relevant, in particular, the relationship between national and universal human values, humanity and rights, humane government responsibility and pressure.This theoretical perspective requires the study of civil society because it is not an indication of formal boundaries, but because of its quality specifications and determining its functional characteristics. To solve the latter problem and is necessary analysis of value-semantic foundations of civil society ; В гражданском обществе Актуальность рассматриваемой темы обусловлена, прежде всего, тем, что сам процес становления гражданского общества в Украине требует дальнейшего развития его теоретического дискурса. Такая необходимость вызвана как практическими потребностями сознательного, целенаправленного и активного участия граждан в формировании и развитии гражданского общества, так и проблемной ситуацией, сложившейся в области его теоретической рефлексии ; Актуальність теми, що розглядається зумовлена передусім тим, що сама розбудова громадянського суспільства в Україні потребує подальшого розвитку його теоретичного дискурсу. Така необхідність спричинена як практичними потребами свідомої, цілеспрямованої та активної участі громадян у формуванні та розвитку громадянського суспільства, так і тією проблемною ситуацією, що склалася у царині його теоретичної рефлексії


Ukrainisch, Englisch


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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