Open Access BASE2016

The Polish National Radical Movement in 1920–1930 ss. ; Польское национально-радикальное движение в 1920–1930 гг. ; Польський національно-радикальний рух в 1920–1930 рр


Taking into consideration recently the growth of the popularity of the right- wind political organizations in European countries this phenomenon requires the further studying. The author examined the history of the creation and development the leading Polish national organizations during the period of the Second Polish Republic.The Polish right-wind radicalism as political power was created in the middle of 1930th in result of political conflict among the Polish national democracy. The most famous right-wind political groups became the ONR, the "ABC" and the RNR "Falanga".The base of the ideology of the indicated organizations were ideological foundations of the political school of Roman Dmovskiy and the principles of the integral nationalism.In their activity the right-wind members of the ONR used the same principles of the functioning and organization that were inherent the Spanish "Falanga" and the Italian Partito Nazionale Fascista. In fact we can consider the ONR as the Polish equivalent of the European fascism. The joint political aim that combined all the political groups of the national-radical movement was the foundation of the Poland state at base of totalitarianism, nationalism and Catholicism. The feature of the Polish pre-war national radical movement was the using the symbiosis of the nationalistic ideas, Anti-Semitism and the ideology of the Catholic fundamentalism.The individual variety of the Polish pre-war right-wind radicalism we should consider the informal ethnic religious group the "Zadruga" that had the idea of the returning the Polish to their own Slavic roots and to their own heathenish religion.The Polish national and radical movement founded in the middle of the 1930th according to the Italian and German patterns could survive in the XXIst century.Nowadays it serves the sample for the imitation to many Polish modern extremist organizations.In 2001 the Polish right-wind groups were elected for the first time to the Parliament in Poland. This fact initiated the process of the growth of the role the ultra radicals in the political life in the country. The elections in the Polish Parliament in 2015 certifies the fact of the growth of the popularity of the right wind parties in Polish society. ; Рассмотрена история возникновения и развития ведущих польских праворадикальных организаций во времена существования Второй Речи Посполитой. Исследована специфика происхождения и идейные истоки польского радикального национализма. Определены идеологические типы польского правого экстремизма межвоенного периода. Охарактеризована деятельность наиболее известных крайних правых польские политических группировок. Выяснена роль ультраправых радикальных объединений в политической системе межвоенной Польши. ; Розглянуто історію виникнення та розвитку провідних польських праворадикальних організацій за часів існування Другої Речі Посполитої.Досліджено специфіку походження та ідейні витоки польського радикального націоналізму. Визначено ідеологічні типи польського правого екстремізму міжвоєнного періоду. Охарактеризовано діяльність найбільш відомих крайніх правих польських політичних угруповань. З'ясована роль ультраправих радикальних об'єднань в політичній системі міжвоєнної Польщі.




Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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