Open Access BASE2021

The most important problems of ancient archeology of the Northern Black Sea region ; Важнейшие проблемы античной археологии Северного Причерноморья


The article is a review of the main problems of ancient archeology of the Northern black sea region and is structured on a chronological basis. First, we consider the problems of the early period of Greek colonization–VII–V centuries BC. the Main research topics are the causes and nature of colonization. A brief history of concepts – trade and agricultural, and their development in domestic historiography is given. Various views on these problems of researchers are given. A debatable global problem is the Greek-barbarian contacts, one of the aspects of which is the degree of influence of Greek and barbarian cultures on each other. According to tradition, the influence of Greek culture on the natives is significant. But the essence of the term "Hellenization" remains unclear. The question is raised: what is meant by this term? The second side of the issue is the presence of representatives of the local population in ancient centers. The presence of representatives of the local population in ancient cities is determined by the finds of stucco ceramics in urban layers and the presence of burials on Greek necropolises with deviations from the Greek funeral rite. The main question is what was the status of this population.A global problem of the ancient archeology of the Northern black sea region is the study of agricultural Chora. The main problems are the presence of a choir in borysthenes and Olbia, the reasons for the desolation of the Olbia choir in the V century BC. Land belonging to the state – "Tsar's Hora".The problem of the Hellenistic era-IV–II centuries BC. is the crisis of the III century BC. e., reflected in the decline of monetary circulation. The main research area is to identify the causes of the crisis.Problems of Roman times – the Roman Tauric limes, the presence of Roman military forces on the Bosporus. Periodization of the history of the Northern black sea region of the ancient era. ; Статья представляет собой обзор основных проблем античной археологии Северного Причерноморья и структурирована по ...

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