Open Access BASE2002

Geography and secondary education ; Geografía y enseñanza secundaria


Education, in order to be successful, must necessarily have clear aims. During the last ten years, increasing doubts in the present Law for Education have not helped at all. It is precisely in such a difficult context that a movement has arisen for a greater presence of Geography in the curriculum, taught by specialised teachers. But if more geographic contents are ever included, it is however essential first to reach a widespread agreement among the prevailing trends in the discipline. ; Para que la enseñanza tenga éxito ha de tener claros sus objetivos. La situación legislativa harto cambiante en materia educativa en la última década no ha propiciado la labor. En estas circunstancias hostiles se reivindica una mayor presencia de la Geografía en los planes de estudio, impartida por profesores especializados. Pero esa presencia debe de ser clara, nacida desde un criterio conciliador que integre en la medida de lo posible todas las corrientes geográficas.

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