Open Access BASE2020

The Ferrán method and the inmunization against cholera in a Mediterranean city. Elche, august 1891 ; El método Ferrán y la inmunización contra el cólera en una ciudad del Mediterráneo. Elche, agosto de 1891


Objective: to analyze the process of vaccination against cholera - the Ferrán method - that was experienced in Elche, during August and September 1891, immunization promoted by municipal doctors and by Jaime Ferrán himself, who had visited the city several times. Thus, after the serious epidemics of 1884 and 1885, Elche received mandatory vaccination shortly after the first practices carried out in Alzira or Valencia, in full scientific and journalistic controversy over the discovery of the Catalan scientist. Methodology: For the analysis of the facts we have used several sources. And the proposed analysis has been used. Báguena (2011) on the "Ferrán method". Primary documents of the Municipal Historical Archive of Elche (AHME) have been analyzed. Results: The Ferrán method, or first vaccine against morbid cholera, was a controversial preventive measure against this epidemic disease in Spain, from its practical application in several municipalities of the Kingdom of Valencia we interpret the political and social weight of the municipal power, against the poor practical operation of the central governments of the Restoration. Conclusions: Manuel Campello and Santiago Pomares, in full controversy of the Ferrán vaccine, decided to launch a massive and compulsory vaccination for the entire population of the city, paying special attention to the poor classes. ; Objetivo: analizar el proceso de la vacunación contra el cólera –método Ferránque se experimentó en Elche, durante agosto y septiembre de 1891, inmunización impulsada por los médicos municipales y por el propio Jaime Ferrán, que había visitado la ciudad varias veces. De este modo, tras las graves epidemias de 1884 y 1885, Elche recibió la vacunación obligatoria poco después de las primeras prácticas efectuadas en Alzira o Valencia, en plena controversia científica y periodística sobre el descubrimiento del científico catalán. Metodología: Para el análisis de los hechos nos hemos servidos de varias fuentes. Y se ha empleado el análisis propuesto. Báguena (2011) ...

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