Open Access BASE2013

Promotional implementation of the personal autonomy and care for dependent situations in the Valencian Community: effects on the exercise of the social right ; Aplicación del sistema de promoción de la autonomía personal y atención a personas en situación de dependencia en la Comunitat Valenciana: efectos sobre el ejercicio del derecho social


This paper presents a case study made along the life cycle of the Law for Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependent Situations (LAPAD) in the Valencian Community during the period 2006-2012. The objective of this research was to identify the reasons that have contributed to increase the gap between the legal formulation and its effective implementation. The initial hypothesis, subjected to contrast by the ethnographic method, proposes that the Act can not represent a breakthrough in the assertion of rights in the context of a weak culture of legality, as it is the case of Valencia. The qualitative methodology and the ethnographic methodology have guided this research process, using multiple techniques: from the «single narrative» of key informants to the «collective discourses» represented by different actors (trade unions, employers, social movements, etc.). The results have pointed out those dimensions that refer to the institutional model that welcomes social law and the conditions that enable or impede its full exercise. In the recognition and exercise of the law, these results have confirmed the initial hypothesis from the following clear identification of obstacles: the public-private relationship in Valencian social policy, the ratio among the public administration and Valencian citizenship (accountability and transparency), and the conflict and jurisdictional law defense mechanisms that lead to criminalization of politics. ; Este artículo presenta el estudio de caso realizado sobre el ciclo de vida de la Ley de Promoción de la autonomía personal y atención a situaciones de dependencia (LAPAD) en la Comunitat Valenciana durante el periodo 2006-2012. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido identificar las razones que han contribuido a incrementar la brecha entre la formulación legal y su efectiva implementación. La hipótesis de partida, sometida a contraste mediante método etnográfico, propone que la citada ley no puede representar un avance en la afirmación de derechos sociales en el ...

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