Open Access BASE2005

Double masonry walls in Madrid, a century of modern enclosure ; La fábrica de doble hoja en Madrid, un siglo de cerramiento moderno


The present paper describes the development and generalized use of the double or hollow wall system in masonry enclosures in Madrilenian residential architecture in the first two thirds of the twentieth century. The question is addressed, on the one hand, from the standpoint of comparative history, in which a clear awareness of evolutionary progress can be defined through certain recognizable architectural tendencies that arose during the technological revolution taking place in Europe and somewhat later in our country; in this regard, the analysis focuses on developments in Madrid. On the other hand, consideration is given to the general construction systems and methods applied to different typologies and representative examples associated with possible modes of technical innovation in the expansive processes involved in housing of high architectural quality, characterized by material and formal consistency. The inclusion of insulation materials in wall construction and the development of the air chamber are likewise dealt with in the context of inherited tradition and the incipient new language developed in the nineteen thirties. The discussion also reflects on the parenthesis imposed by the Civil War, the interruption of the progressive trend begun prior to and continued after that conflict and the need to rebuild which materialized in an emergency housing policy mixed with a spirit of euphoria magnified and defined by the official architectural establishment. The different types of construction systems where double walls became increasingly popular are studied and classified, differentiated on the grounds of the materials used - a modern compositional solution adopted with growing frequency in contemporary models, that would gradually lead to the standardization of such enclosures in urban housing in the nineteen fifties. Also considered is the truly determining influence, particularly beginning in the nineteen forties, of the legislation applied to publicly financed housing, which called for analysis of the ...


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas



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