Open Access BASE2005

Enseñanza del castellano : ¿quo vadis? ; Teaching Spanish: Where are you going?


El presente trabajo aborda uno de los más aciagos dramas nacionales: el problema de la enseñanza del castellano. El tema ha sido objeto de reflexión de múltiples foros y ha sido abordado por una gran cantidad de artículos de posición. El autor analiza las causas de la defectiva situación de la enseñanza del español y propone las posibles medidas que, en caso de asumirse, podrían sacarnos del atolladero. Sobre la base de hacer un efectivo diagnóstico de los graves errores del sistema educativo peruano, el estudioso expone sus ideas fundamentales sobre la escritura de textos, la lectura, el análisis gramatical y la cuestión lingüística peruana (nuestro rico e irreductible multilingüismo). La conclusión de las reflexiones anteriores nos conduce a una visión escéptica sobre el futuro de la enseñanza del castellano. En este sentido, el pesimismo del autor es, en el fondo, un llamado de atención: Urge un verdadero cambio de marcha en la política educativa peruana. ; The teaching of Spanish undergoes a severe crisis, as in shown in the great percentages of the population that has difficulties in understanding even simple texts and produces unintelligible texts; that the problem is generally known, is shown in several important national and international studies. Our study centers on showing the causes of the problem and its possible solutions. We consider it important to teach children and the young people to have a considerable command of Spanish; to center the teaching on the understanding and the production of texts and keep on a second level the teaching of grammar and spelling and other aspects that correspond more to an explicit knowledge of the language that, furthermore,is not well taught, either. On the other hand, the problem is not onlymethodological; it has its roots in the social and economical situation of thecountry. There is no acces to the books necessary, the people cannot buy them and there hardly exist any public libraries; with respect to the lackingof educational politics (there is no national project in the branch of education), each government modifies the plans of study, not justifying anything at all. The forming of teachers is highly deficient. The teachers oft he Spanish that finish their studies in the Faculties of Education and Pedagogical Institutes do nor always manage well this language and alltheir formation is centred on methodologies, not having really a solid formation in scientific knowledge, that they should teach. Usually it is not taken into account that Peru is a multilingual and multidialectal country, that there is a great variety of sociolectes and registers; all that should betaken into account and that without this consideration, the teaching of beSpanish will not be successful, but a failure.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas



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