Open Access BASE2022

Pedagogical assessment of the Marxism-Leninism discipline in Cuban Higher Education ; Valoración Pedagógica sobre la Disciplina Marxismo-Leninismo en la Educación Superior en Cuba ; Avaliação pedagógica da disciplina marxismo-leninismo no ensino superior em Cuba


The learning of the principles of Marxism needs to continue perfecting the educational work and the management of strategies adequate to the demands of the current context. Such demands have motivated a didactic forum of permanent discussion, formal and informal, in institutions, teachers, students and society, which is materialized in studies of multiple approaches, often dispersed, urgent of synthesis, generalization and systematization in correlative links. This article is inserted in this debate by confronting the diversity of updated, novel and representative arguments of the whole research spectrum on Marxism itself and its teaching, offering its own criteria and interpreting the whole of the expositions. A necessary process to determine the main tendencies and to facilitate new ideas and investigations that keep indoctrination and other undesired consequences away from daily praxis. The qualitative character of the research appeals, among others, to dialectical-materialistic, historical-logical and systemic approach methods. It consults and values primary sources, tributary to the scientific perspective of Marxism in the student imaginary, development of autonomous reflective possibilities and mostly from the last five years. As a result, the main attributes, coincidences and differences in the reasoning were determined. The Conclusions affirm the emergence of a Cuban Marxism with an autochthonous methodology for its teaching, political science and other subjects that transcends time, cultures and frontiers. ; Dotar a los estudiantes de la Educación Superior del fundamento científico sobre el mundo, que implica la enseñanza de los principios del marxismo, responde a estrategias políticas e institucionales. El ejercicio sostenido de esa actividad durante décadas ha engendrado un fórum didáctico de discusión, espontáneo, formal e informal, donde participan instituciones, profesores, alumnos y sectores de la sociedad civil; estableciendo un vínculo con la realidad que influye en los ajustes periódicos a la ...


Spanisch, Kastilisch, Englisch


Mendive. Journal on Education; Mendive. Revista de Educación; Mendive. Revista Educação

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