Open Access BASE2015

National advisory bodies in the system of public governance in science and higher education: european practices ; Національні консультативно-дорадчі органи у системі публічного управління у сфері науки та вищої освіти


The article is focused on the analysis of organizational and legal conditions for the functioning of the highest advisory bodies in the fields of research and higher education, created at the state level at the central governing institutions in Ukraine and selected European countries. The article is aimed at the research of the model of formation and functioning of the national advisory bodies on research and higher education in Poland, Germany, and Czech Republic in the system of science management, based on the national legislation. The following national bodies are studied in the paper: National Council of Science and Higher Education of Poland, the Committee of Science Policy of Poland, the Council for Research, Development and Innovation of Czech Republic, National Council for Research, Innovation and Science Policy of Hungary, the German Research Council and others. It is proved that advisory bodies are an important element of the system ofpublic governance, as well as actors in shaping of the national science and higher educa-tion policy. They are formed in a democratic way due to the principle of shared govern-ance and mostly of institutional representation. The article considered selected aspects of the establishment of the National R&D Council of Ukraine, as stated in the Law of Ukraine «On Scientific and R&D Activity» comparing with the relevant European insti-tutions. The analysis of the concept for the National Council for Science and Technologies (R&D) of Ukraine along with the administrative and management risks could be consid-ered while implementation of the Law of Ukraine «On Scientific and R&D Activity». ; Предметом дослідження у статті стали організаційно-правові засади функціону-вання найвищих консультативно-дорадчих органів у сфері вищої освіти і науки, які створені при центральних органах публічної влади в Україні та деяких країнах Єв-ропи. Мета статті: на основі національної нормативно-правової бази Польщі, Чехії, Угорщини та Німеччини проаналізувати модель формування та ...

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