Open Access BASE2021

Features Participative Leader Management Style in Public Management Activities ; Особливості партисипативного стилю управління лідера в публічно-управлінській діяльності


Leadership style as a characteristic behavior of a leader, is the prerogative in public administration activity. As follows the leader stimulates employees to achieve the goals of a public institution. The author of the article notes that style is primarily an element of the leadership system, which is characterized by individual characteristics that are directly determined by the personality of the leader. The article analyzes the first studies conducted by K. Levin on issues of the effectiveness of leadership style, which contributed to the separation of authoritarian, democratic and liberal style of management. In his research, the author focuses on special aspects of the leadership styles study, in particular, the "hidden" that formed during the heyday of American business. The article analyzes the "hidden" style of leadership, that is characterized by recognition of the importance of horizontal relationships – free communication between representatives of different structural units, which contributed to effective interaction between them. The author also draws attention to such leadership styles as executive, proactive and inconsistent in terms of authoritarianism and collegiality. However, in public administration such a leadership style as participatory (democratic) is poorly explored. According to the author of the article, such a leadership style allows to achieve a high degree of cooperation in developing a common position on solving numerous tasks. The author carried out a scientific generalization of the researches on the issues of introduction of participatory leadership in public administration in Ukraine, which was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation within the framework of the Program for Promoting Public Activity "Join!" (USAID / ENGAGE), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Pact in Ukraine, based on a nationwide survey in January-February 2020 on public involvement in public administration activity. ; Стиль ...

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