Open Access BASE2017

Класифікація правових обмежень як засобів регулювання суспільних відносин ; Классификация правовых ограничений как средств регулирования общественных отношений ; Classification of legal restrictions as ways of regulation of public relations


Наведено авторську модель класифікації правових обмежень як засобів регулювання суспільних відносин в залежності від різних соціально-правових критеріїв. На основі аналізу положень актів діючого законодавства України розкрито сутність наведених видів правових обмежень. ; Приведена авторская модель классификации правовых ограничений как средств регулирования общественных отношений в зависимости от разных социально-правовых критериев. На основе анализа положений актов действующего законодательства Украины раскрыта сущность описываемых видов правовых ограничений. ; The author's model of classification of legal restrictions as means of regulation of public relations in the state depending on different social and legal criteria is presented. Legal restrictions are proposed to be classified according to such criteria as: the ownership of a normative act, which provides for a specific restriction to a specific branch of legislation; The place of the normative act, providing for limitation, in the hierarchy of normative acts of the state; The scope of activities of the subjects on which legal restrictions are designed, the specifics of the content of the regulatory impact of legal restrictions on entity of public relations; Depending on the element of the structure of the rule of law, which provides for a specific restriction; Duration of the legal restriction in time; The degree of certainty of the entity, to which the calculated limitations; Method of application (implementation) of the legal restriction. Taking into account the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, examples are given and the essence of concrete examples of application of legal restrictions to participants of public relations in typical life situations is revealed. It is noted that the legal design of legal restrictions in most cases is connected with the restriction of the rights and freedoms of a person, and therefore their further doctrinal development requires close attention of law researchers who are representatives of different areas of legal science.

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