Open Access BASE2017

Monadologic understanding of the history and comprehension on the phenomenon of ukrainity ; Монадологичное понимание истории и осмысление феномена украинства. ; Монадологічне розуміння історії та осмислення феномену українства


The article suggests an understanding of the phenomenon of Ukrainianity on the methodological basis of the monadological understanding of history, proposed by I.V. Boychenko, as a version of the post-classical philosophy of history. An attempt to comprehend the phenomenon of Ukrainianity comes in two dimensions: chronological and ethnological and topical-ethnological.An extremely important (perhaps the most important) part of the intellectual heritage of I.V. Boychenko is the monadological approach to the understanding of history he has developed. But being created as a kind of post-classical philosophy of history, the monadological approach has great prospects in the related fields of cognition. In addition, even in a narrow philosophicalhistorical sense, it has the potential to solve important problems of modern humanities. Problems of not only scientific but also ideological and even socio-political significance. One of these problems is the comprehension of the phenomenon of Ukrainianity, namely it's comprehension in the historical and ethnological contexts.When did the Ukrainians appear? In what naturally defined relationships are they with other nations? What is the significance of sub-ethnic and regional relations within Ukrainian society itself? All these issues remain highly relevant, but unfortunately, attempts to resolve them are more of a political rather than scientific dimension.Understanding subethnics and historical and ethnographic regions as macro-historical entities of the monad type allows looking at the problem at another angle. Mutual reflection and mutual influence of essentially alike but not completely identical "micro-Ukraines" (which may be determined as the totality of sub-ethnic and historical-geographical communities making up the Ukrainity) create a diverse unity that is deeply real, but at the same time having it's roots go far beyond the ordinary social categories. Thus the dichotomy of all-Ukrainian and local is being overcome. ; В статье предлагается осмысление феномена украинства на методологической почве монадологичного понимания истории, которое было предложено И. В. Бойченко, в качестве версии постнеклассической философии истории. Попытка осмысления феномена украинства происходит в двух измерениях: хронологически этнологическом и актуально-этнологическом. ; В статті пропонується осмислення феномену українства на методологічному ґрунті монадологічного розуміння історії, яке було запропоноване І. В. Бойченко, в якості версії постнекласичної філософії історії. Спроба осмислення феномену українства відбувається в двох вимірах: хронологічно-етнологічному та актуальноетнологічному.




Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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