Open Access BASE2022

Technology assimilation in Mathematicsteaching: A case study of Blackboard learning during Covid 19


The current pandemic situation completely changed the dynamics of Learning and teaching strategies. All government across the country, due to the spread of corona virus almost all schools and colleges were temporarily closed which impacted a lot in the learning and teaching processes. Education pattern mostly disrupted and with this change many teaching modalities have also been changed. During Postpandemic environment, a huge shift in mindset is required. New shift in the existing structure of learning and teaching structure is the need of hour. Learning and teaching have undergone continual transformation in recent years, with an increasing array of educational tools making their way into the classroom. With this changing need of the students' teachers need to mold themselves to new teaching methods. Traditional approach in education is shifting towards Blended teaching and e- learning which makes an adaptable instructive condition that can fulfill different adapting need and subsequently upgrade and extend instructive capability. At present there are many tools available for virtual learning environment and course management system. Blackboard learning is very fine gadget which provides an online environment to traditionally delivered course, which can be further developed and research application in research can be delivered along with E learning. The primary objective is to shed light on the teaching/learning possibilities provided by elearning platforms in a blended learning environment.(Tisdell, 2019) The present paper intends to thrash out the blended approach used by mathematician to teach math's in their classroom to make the subject more interesting to learn which till now often complained to be the toughest and unexciting among students. It then explore to responses of students of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun were recorded during course of research towards the advantage they feel of such used tools. Finally, a blended teaching model and suggestions are proposed for practitioners and educators




Gokmen Arslan

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