Open Access BASE2018

General considerations on fundamental social rights: General considerations on fundamental social rights ; Reflexiones generales sobre los derechos sociales fundamentales: General considerations on fundamental social rights


This paper presents considerations on the concept of fundamental social rights, such as those which require positive action on the part of the Public Administration to guarantee satisfactory life conditions to all. In the introduction, Donnely, Laporta and Noriega's classifications are presented; then the constitutional definition of the theme in Spain is discussed to build the concept of congenial freedom as the starting point to criticize positions at the far right or the far left, showing that it is necessary to recognize congenial freedom as the mechanism to understand fundamental rights, even if it may seem a contradictory concept. Once the concept has been presented, the thesis that fundamental social rights are simply political and economic policies, or political targets, is critized. Fundamental social rights are fundamental individual rights that must be recognized. That is, fundamental individual rights or fundamental social rights are indissociable. Finally, the limits of the concept of fundamental social rights are discussed based on the study of juridical concepts regarding general rights, fundamental rights and basic lega positions. ; Esto trabajo busca presentar las reflexiones sobre el concepto de los derechos fundamentales sociales como aquellos que requieren acción positiva de los Poderes públicos para garantizar condiciones de vida digna a todos los hombres. En la introducción, serán presentadas las clasificaciones de Donnely, Laporta y Noriega, para, después, tratar de la posición constitucional del tema en España para se construir el concepto de libertad solidaria señalando-se como el punto de partida para criticar posiciones de extrema derecha e izquierda donde se propone que es necesario reconocer la libertad solidaria como el mecanismo de comprensión de los derechos fundamentales, aunque parezca un concepto contradictorio. Puesto el concepto de libertad solidaria, pasa-se a criticar la tesis de que los derechos fundamentales sociales sean apenas principios de política económica y social o ...


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Thomson Reuters Brasil Conteúdo e Tecnologia Ltda | Selo Revista dos Tribunais - RT



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